iv. #Awkward

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No time to chat! Train's here! Sorry for the rush, but we were too busy eating to have any spare time. Oh, and note to self: The Tauros Inn rocks! That cheese toastie had to be just about the best thing I'd tasted in a long time.

Cynder had a sausage sandwich which looked so good I almost switched my order. And the tunes? Perfect. They played some songs from The Flarewings, one of my favourite bands. Turns out, it's Cynder's jam too!

Oh, and over lunch, I got the lowdown on Cynder: His full name's Cynder Lionheart, and his dad is the creepy librarian from down the road. Cynder's from a school called Lentfall, pretty far from Oakgrove. Like me, he hasn't met any other Legend Academy students yet... Oh snap, the train's here! And where's Cynder? Ugh, the crowd's insane! He probably got swallowed up in it!

Train's about to roll, this is fine, this is totally fine. Gotta get on it at least, Cynder's got to be up there somewhere. And just like that, I bolted onto the train in the nick of time.

Now, where's Cynder? He could be in any of these cabins! Suddenly, the train lurched forward. Frick, frick, frick. Wasn't counting on being alone. In an impromptu decision, I dashed forward and yanked open the nearest door, just in time. As the door clicked shut, the train started moving... phew. I looked up to see two Pokémon staring at me. I mean, fair, I just barged into their space.

Awkward. I'm sitting across from a Reshiram and a Latias, and I have zero clue who they are! Are they pissed about me crashing their party? Probably. How did I even end up here? Guess I gotta introduce myself. Just as I was about to speak up, the Reshiram beat me to it. "Hey, um, you're cool to hang out here, but mind explaining yourself?"

She was clearly a girl, both of them were. Even more awkward.

"I, uh, got lost."

"And ended up here." the Reshiram prodded. I noticed the Latias hadn't said a word.

"Okay, fine, I was with a friend. But we got separated in the crowd," I admitted, conveniently leaving out the whole I'm-not-paying-attention part.

"There we go," Reshiram said. "I'm Rey. You're welcome to chill here."

"Oh, thanks!" I was grateful. "I'm Silver."

Rey nodded. "This is Arto," she nodded at the Latias next to her.

"Does she... talk at all?" I whispered to Rey, who cracked up. "OF COURSE she talks, Silver! She's just not feeling it right now."

"Why?" I pressed. Rey brushed off my question.

Spent the rest of the ride shooting the breeze with my new crew - Won't bore you with the details, buuuuut we're almost there now.

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