Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning


“What’s on your agenda while us girls have our sleepover at the other pack house?” I inquired, burying my nose in Xillon’s neck, relishing the sweet scent of his cologne. The dimly lit room was quiet except for the gentle hum of the air conditioning unit and the soft rustle of sheets as we lay entwined.

As he purrs, his hands grip my hips firmly, pulling me closer to him until I am straddling him. “We’re going to spend the entire night hunting. We made a bet on who could catch the most and biggest animals. Once we’ve examined our kills, we’ll shift from human to wolf form.”

As he leans in to kiss me, I feel the rough texture of his stubble against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. I can feel his warm breath on my neck, his body heat radiating against mine.

“I have no clue what our plans are for tonight,” I said, laughing as Xillon tickled my ribs. “Lorna and Calissa are keeping everything a secret until we get to their place.”

He gently turns us over, and I face him, our bodies nestled against each other. I close my eyes as his rough knuckles glide across my cheeks, sending shivers down my spine. The room is quiet, save for our shallow breaths and the rustling of the sheets. His warmth against me makes me realize how much I’ll miss him when we’re apart.

“I’ve grown so used to having you by my side at night,” he murmurs, his voice low and soothing. “I don’t know how I’m going to make it without your body against mine.”

“You won’t be sleeping, you’ll be hunting. With so much going on, you won’t even have time to miss me.”

He chuckles, then pushes a strand of hair behind my ear. “I’ll be out there without you, wishing you were hunting right alongside me. Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. At least, that’s what they say. This time apart is good for us.”

“Xillon, I…”

As I went to speak, he interrupts me by placing a finger on my lips. “I understand where this conversation is going,” he says. “We’ve already agreed to wait a year until I’m eighteen and we have more time together to strengthen our mate bond. We’re both too young to mark and mate each other, Annalise. Even then, we would need to wait until you are eighteen as well. I made a compromise with you by only waiting a year. I will not sway my decision.”


Xillon and I had just made love and fallen asleep in each other’s arms. As I lay there in my deep slumber, the world around me seemed to fade away. I could feel a sudden calmness wash over me, and a warm, comforting sensation enveloped my entire body. The surrounding air was still.

Then, out of nowhere, I saw a bright golden light glow around me. It was as if the very air itself had infused with a brilliant, shimmering radiance. The light grew brighter and brighter until it bathed me in its warm radiance. I looked around in wonder and amazement, completely mesmerized by the beauty of the scene before me.

As I gazed around, I saw the most stunning celestial being I had ever laid eyes on. She glided towards me with effortless grace, her long, flowing hair shimmering in the golden light. Her skin was like alabaster, and her eyes sparkled like stars in the night sky. She wore a flowing, ethereal gown that seemed to move on the slightest breeze.

The sheer beauty of this celestial completely overwhelmed me. I had never seen anything or anyone so radiant and breathtaking in my entire life. I felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over me, and I knew I was in the presence of something truly special. 

Her eyes glow magnificently, gold and silver hues like stars glistening brightly in the night sky. I can’t fathom how she looks to be in her twenties when she is millions of years old most likely. Her porcelain skin glistens like diamonds, showing off her prominent cheekbones and heart-shaped face. She must be damn near twelve feet tall, with curly dark chestnut hair cascading down her back that reaches the ground. Her gown is a sheen of golden pearl rippling over her curvaceous body that trails the ground as she slowly makes her way towards me.

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