Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Two

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“Annalise, baby. Settle down. You are okay. You have been out for several hours. We found you and Xillon passed out together in the shower. He woke up an hour ago and Cadance gave him a clean bill of health and sent him home,” mom said as she brushed my sweaty hair out of my face.

“Momma, I don’t understand. What’s going on?”

“I was hoping maybe you could answer that question.”

“Larissa. She… she went insane. Took complete control and blocked me out. I don’t know why she did it.”

“Judging by what little you told me earlier about Finley, I think I know what happened. Because he is missing and Lorna is also here in the infirmary. This kind of thing rarely happens and has never happened in wolf shifters so young. Alpha Gabriel is also confused. But you all have found mates and your wolves are retaliating. It’s in their physiology to be loyal and connect with their true mate. Otherwise, you could die. Your wolves will take complete control and tear each other apart.”

“But Xillon is my mate, momma. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. He and Finley both, though the mate bond is stronger with Finley. I don’t know how to explain it. Xillon has the same issue arising now that Lorna has arrived. I don’t know what we’re supposed to do!”

“Xillon has told us as much. Alpha Gabriel suggested we move you all into the guest housing for now. He seems to think that you all will be mated together. The elders relinquished the pregnancy prevention position and Cadance administered it to you and Lorna as well. You both will need to take the potion once a month to prevent pregnancy.”

Laughing hysterically, I shake my head and rub the pain away from my arm from ripping the IV out. “So what? We’re all destined to mate with each other! Is Lorna my mate as well! I have never been attracted to females! This is…”

Chuckling some more because I can’t help it, I glare at the ceiling. ‘Seriously Selene! Why are things always so crazy when my life is concerned? Why can’t I be normal and have one true destined mate? Like all the other shifters out there. Even my uncle has only one true destined mate. His other mate was a chosen mate, not his fated mate. Fix this, dang it!’

“Are you alright, sweetheart?”

“Hell no! I’m sure as hell not alright! How could this day go from being the best day of my life? Making love for the first time. To go to shit directly afterwards. Just to turn into more shit after that!”

Mom rises and runs from the room and with my expert wolf’s hearing, I hear her conversing with Cadance. “She’s having a panic attack, I think. Delirium has overcome her. Is there anything you could give her to calm her down?”

‘Larissa, take control. I need to shut my mind off for a while. This is all too much to take in.’ Shaking my head, I bounce up from the bed and run out of Cadance’s house, naked as the day I was born. Shift and run out into the woods.


Woke up inside my cave with Finley’s body flush against me, his nose buried in my neck. Electricity from our bond courses through my system from the proximity of our naked flesh that’s meld together. He grunts and pulls me closer to him when I try to scoot away.

“This isn’t right, Finley. We should go back. Everyone’s most likely out looking for us.”

“They can look for us all they want. I’ve needed this for so long,” he said, sniffing and licking the place where my mate’s mark will go someday.

“Am I conversing with Finley or Nox?”

“Whichever one you would prefer.”

I’m obviously talking to Nox. I may not know Finley all that well yet, but I know he wouldn’t be alright with this. Because he loves Lorna and wouldn’t want to hurt her. The moment his warmth and the tingles have left my body from my standing. I instantly want to crawl back to him.

Slumping my shoulders in defeat seems to be the only action I could take. “Nox, this needs to stop. Finley loves Lorna and I love Xillon. We can’t keep going on like this. It seems all our wolves hijacked our bodies, and that is wrong on so many levels.”

“Please lay back down and let me hold you. Just for a little while longer.”

“No, Nox. I’m going home.”

I yanked a blanket from the ground and pulled it around me, then quickly ran outside before Larissa could take control again. She’s clawing at me to get back to the surface.

‘Stop what you’re doing right now. Even you were on board with our decisions when we made them. What changed your mind, Larissa?!’

‘That was before he went off and knotted her. Nox, he… he knotted her. On purpose, because of you and Xillon. Thought I would die when it happened. I hid myself away until you asked to shift and we went for the run with alpha. I choose not to be any part of the second go around with you and Xillon. But none of that mattered, because he turned around and knotted her again. I literally felt like I was about to die.’

‘You felt it when they were together.’

‘Goes both ways. He felt it each time you were with Xillon and pounced to relieve the ache. After the second time, I tried to consume you. But the pain was so immense that we both succumbed to the darkness.’

‘I really wish you would have said something before I made love to Xillon for the second time. We could have prevented all of this from happening. Don’t keep things like this from me, Larissa.’

Sped-walked through the forest until I came face to face with Finley’s parents and my own. Yet I’m in human form and they are all in wolf form.

‘Is Finley with you?’ dad asked through the mind link.

‘Larissa took over, and I woke up with him in a cave. But Nox isn’t willing to give Finley control. So he’s still back there in the cave.’

‘Climb up on my back and direct us to him,’ he commanded, kneeling so I could climb onto his back.

Gave him directions, leading them all back to my cave. Walked in since I was the only one who would fit. Just to see that Finley had gone back to sleep.

‘He has gone back to sleep,’ I said to dad through the mind link.

I’m not sure what happened next, but a few seconds later, Finley woke up, glancing around with confusion. “Annalise? What’s going on?”

“Our wolves hijacked our bodies pretty much. There’s a lot we need to discuss with our parents. They are all waiting for us outside,” I said, walking off.

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