Oh I forgot - you're a jerk.

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⚠️ tgw. mention of se*ual harassment. I don't mean to offend nor trigger anyone. Feel free to skip after the sign. ⚠️

Informing some of their men, Jaemin instructed them to clean up the body and the basement immediately.

He took one more glance at the body that laid on the floor, blood all over the place as he was now unrecognizable after everything he's been through.

Was he guilty? not even a little bit; Renjun already made a background check on Junso right after they captured him. He was an abuser, one of the reasons why his wife left him. There were a lot of filed cases against him when it comes to harassment and s** assault, may it be on women and men, and even children. He was a drug addict who made killing a past time whenever he was so high, but the police never once caught him nor had any clue on who he is. So for Jaemin, everything he did to Junso was what he truly deserved. And despite showing him how much he cared and loved his daughter, it still wasn't enough to change his mind. This Jerk doesn't even deserve to be a father.

done ⚠️

"Good luck in hell." were the last words he muttered as he dragged his feet towards the elevator leading to the main floor of the mansion, not really caring about how he looks; how his jet black hair was disheveled, his white button down now almost covered by the dead man's blood, some even on his face, his hands still gripping the metal weapon he used, eyes so dark like he'd been through hell and back.

He checked the time, 8:00 pm.

"Quite early to be the devil..." he muttered to himself as the elevator door opened with a sound.

Stepping out of the elevator, he stopped on his tracks upon seeing a familiar shoes in front of him.

Slowly raising his head only to be met with those brown orbs he hoped would never see him in a state like this.

"Jaem, Are - are you okay?"
With weary voice, Iris stood still in front of him. Not expecting him to look like a mess early as 8 in the evening, her eyes lingering quite long on the gun he still clutched.

Upon noticing her reaction, he answered her thoughts.

"Not mine." voice laced with no emotions at all, pertaining to the blood that covered almost his entire body.

Iris didn't know what to feel to be honest. Being part of a mafia family like this, she expected at least this much, but this is her first time seeing everything. It's like reality is starting to hit her like thousands of meteors all at once.

In the back of her mind, the moment she saw Jaemin stepped out of the elevator, his white button down shirt covered in blood, his face and eyes void of any emotions, she still hoped that somehow, it wouldn't be because of what she think he did.

"It's Junso's"

But Jaemin's words answered her straight and hard. He killed the man who tried to kidnap her...he killed someone. And did not just kill him, but he tortured him, manipulated him into thinking they'll kill his little girl only for Junso to spill the truth. Only for Jaemin to take away Junso's life in the end.

"I, uhm...I know..." Iris felt small under his gaze. For months she's been living here, this would be the first time she ever saw that kind of eyes...something she never thought would be coming from the man she was staring to like.

Jaemin sensing her discomfort, only scoffed at her. He for sure didn't want her to see him this way, but this is what he also wanted, right? For Iris to learn and see everything about him. About the real Na Jaemin. The NCT's ace, Na Jaemin. For her to still like him, and hopefully, to still fall in love with him the same way she did when he was Nana Lim - that despite everything and the monstrous things he did, she could still somehow manage to accept the version of him he hated the most.

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