Crushes and feelings.

56 5 1

The ringin of her phone caused her to wake up. Blindly searching for her cell as she continued to tap her surroundings until she touched it, answering it immediately without even looking at the name.

"Hello?" her raspy voice echoed.

"Ris? did you just woke up? it's already 8 in the evening."

Hearing his familiar voice, Iris brought the phone to her face, squinting her eyes in the process due to the brightness as she saw Taeyong's name on it.

"Oppa, aren't you guys home yet?"

"That's actually why I called you. 127 are out in a mission right now, we might be coming back very late, if you need anything, the dream members are there alright?"

just by hearing the word mission caused the girls heart to went havoc. This would be the very first time that the guys'll go into mission with her here. The first for her brother as well.


"He's here. Don't worry about us, okay? We'll get back as soon as we can."

"Alright, oppa. Be careful alright? I mean it."

She heard Taeyong chuckled on the other line.

"We will, Ris. we will."

"Alright. Love you, T. And also just tell Jaehyun for me."

"You and your brother..." the girl only replied a small laugh as she knew how Taeyong would always get in the middle between then two ever since they were kids.

checking at the clock, she realized how long she was asleep.

"So much for a quick nap." Stretching her limbs out, she went ahead on her bathroom, suddenly got reminded that she needed to clean her wounds and change her bandages. Opening her bathroom door as she turned on the lights, getting the medical bag Jeno gave her with all the fresh bandages and disinfectants. Prepping herself in front of the mirror, tying her hair into a bun so it wouldn't get in the way.

Carefully peeling the bandage on her arm, she cannot help but to slightly wince, the cut wasn't that fresh anymore, but it was still not fully healed either.

"Okay Iris, it's just a cut. you can do it. 3 cuts are nothing."

looking at the different disinfectants in front of her, she sighed in defeat.

"Who am I kidding, I don't even know which is which???" understandably confused as she was unconscious during the whole time Dr. Soo explained how to clean her wounds on either to her brother or Jeno.

A knock on her bedroom door caught her attention, planning on ignoring it, but when she heard him call out her name, she immediately thought otherwise.

"Iris?...It's almost 8, are you still asleep?"

Iris immediately went to open her room, not minding the unfinished bandage from her arm as she held the bottom half in place.

Swinging it open, she was met with a slick back hair, almost too good for her liking, white shirt hugging almost every muscle in his body, paired with his grey sweatpants.

IRIS | Na JaeminWhere stories live. Discover now