Three little words to hold on to.

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"Hi, I'm with Iris Lim. We're scheduled for an operation tonight under Dr. Kyungsoo."

"Good morning Sir., I'll just check in with the list for a while."

The pair arrived at the hospital not more than an hour of driving. The travel time was rather 50% comfortable and 50% unsettling, mainly because this was the girl's first time hopping into a car with another person besides Jaemin, and Jeno was aware of her trauma, so he made sure he'd make her feel safe all throughout the ride. And thankfully the girl fell in comfortable sleep for almost 30 minutes.

"How are you feeling?" Jeno asked Iris as he sat down beside her on the lounge area of the lobby. He cannot help but to notice how fidgety she's become from the moment they step foot in the establishment. Grabbing one of her hand to stop her from continuously scratching her other palm.
"Iris, I'm here. and..." taking a deep breath, "and, Nana will be here. So just take a deep breath okay? You'll be fine. I promise."

As much as Iris wanted her boyfriend to be here right here right now, she knew nothing on his whereabouts, except for the infos Jeno told her. But like she always does, she trusts him, so she shouldn't worry about a thing.


"For patient Iris Lim."

The nurse announced her name, and upon hearing it, Jeno stood up and glanced back at the nurses's station before telling Iris that he'll be back.

"Here are your room keys, you'll be staying at room 127, 9th floor of the west wing. I already informed Dr. Soo, and he'll be with you at around 1 in the afternoon. If anything, there's a nurse's station within your floor, and an emergency telephone as well. Have a good day Sir." The nurse explained as Jeno took the keys.

Walking back to Iris, as he saw her slowly standing up using her cane, picking up her small bag as well, "So, are we gonna go now?" the girl inquired. Jeno jiggled the room keys for her hearing, "Yep, you'll be staying on the west wing, and Dr. Soo will meet us there at 1 pm. We have ample time to settle in. Let's go M' lady." earning a chuckle from the girl. As Jeno was picking up her other things, Iris suddenly tripped from the boy's shoes, causing for him to stand abruptly to support Iris, as her cane fell when her other hand landed and gripped the boy's shoulder, which immediately caused him to hiss. She felt a bandage wrapped around his.

"Jake are you wounded?"

She asked as Jeno helped her to stand up, picking up her cane as he gave it to her hand. He could see her furrowed brows, he knew he needed to think about something fast.

"Uhm, no I'm fine. Just, I pulled a muscle in the gym. Let's get you up."

"Are you sure? that's a pretty thick bandage for a sore muscle." Iris tried to reach out and touch the boy's shoulder once again, but he grabbed her wrist before she could do so.

"Yes, Iris. I'm sure. Now let's get you up, alright?"

and she swore she heard the tiniest bit of irritation from the boy's voice.

Shrugging the uncalled tension, she let it go. This is certainly not the time for that. Jeno reached out his other arm again for Iris, as she wrapped her palms around it.

⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆

Knock knock knock.

"Good day, may I come in?" Dr. Kyungsoo peeked from the pair's room.


"Jake. It's Jake."

Jeno almost immediately ran to him and whisper shouted his english name and Kyungsoo understood immediately.

IRIS | Na JaeminWhere stories live. Discover now