Secrets to be kept; Secrets to be out.

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The couple continued to live their lives to the fullest for the past months, still the same setup - Jaemin visiting and sleeping in the orphanage during weekends, only to go home early monday morning.

Iris was never suspicious about Jaemin, partly because he was here first at the orphanage before her, and Mrs. Jones already told her parts of the boys' story - those which she knew. Iris knows that Jaemin has a permanent job in the city, that he has a group of friends he considers as family he goes home to during his weekdays, but what exact occupation? That she doesn't know. To Iris, Jaemin is not Jaemin, she knows him as "Nana Lim" - The foster name that Mr. and Mrs. Jones Lim gave the boy when they got him when he was still 7. Why? Simply because the only thing the boy could ever remember that time was that he was called "Nana" by his mom. So when Jaemin met Iris, he officially introduced himself as Nana Lim. Besides, "Jaemin Na" is a whole other person he doesn't want anyone from the orphanage to know, especially not Iris.

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Today was a one of those Friday nights that the gang doesn't have anything to do but relax and enjoy the upcoming weekend. The group of friends are just situated at the Mansion's living room, chitchatting about missions, hobbies, and almost anything the guys could think of.

The youngest is busy playing with the Chinese members. "If you don't stop cheating, I swear I'm gonna kick you out of our room Chenle!" the duo became a chaos in just a span of minutes after starting the game. "What do you mean cheating?! I am not. I'm just too good to be beaten up HA!" and boy it was enough for Jisung to stop and drop the controller to go and headlock the red-headed Chinese boy - leaving another player to just play by himself. "Yah! Both of you if you don't stop I'm gonna take this game and set it up in my room instead." And both immediately stopped after hearing Renjun's threat. Who would wanna play in the hot-headed boy's room? he has a temper of tiger, and only Mark and Haechan could obviously manage him, this making the three roommates.

The sight was fun to see, the older members of the 127 unit has gotten so used to it that they feel unusually incomplete without hearing the bickering of any of the Dream members at least once a day.

In contrast to the chaos in the living room, four members were at the mansion's mini lounge/bar area at the rooftop, chilling and drinking a glass or two while playing billiards and darts. "Hey Jaem, how was your mission last week?", the blonde boy asked as the former is carefully trying to aim the right angle for his next shot at 8ball. "It was actually easy hyung. that dude spilled the infos even before I could lay a finger on him." A chuckle left his lips as he said those - a complete opposite of the ones leaving the same lips when with Iris - a chuckle of accomplishment, a proof that he is considered an ace of the dreamies when it comes to hitting targets.

The bar was then filled with laughters of the 4 members, as Jaemin relived the story of his target not long ago. "You know what, knowing your personality, Jaemin, sometimes I still can't believe how brutal you can be at the field.", the boy at the topic only smirked at his friend's remarks, he knew what he was capable of, he was well aware of that, but at least he doesn't do it just for fun, he do it only to punish those who are deserving of punishment, and not just anyone.

Jaemin continued to sip on his glass of on the rock's whisky, Haechan's comment made his thoughts drift to another person Imagine if she knew about the real me...

his best friend sitting beside him might have seen how his proud smirk turned to a worried one immediately as his hands placed the glass of whiskey on the side table. "You're still the same person she fell in love with. Don't worry." Says by the black haired boy as he nudged his best friend's shoulder.  "Thanks.  Jen."

Even if Jaemin doesn't tell the dreamies about anything specific, they knew that he is in a relationship, and that the couple have been together for years already, although Jeamin made sure to do the best he can to keep Iris' life private - making the members only knew her by name and her condition. Also, Taeyong never really restricted them when it comes to dating, as long as they knew better than to involve their partners in this mafia life they are in. and besides, it is a given fact that a member's important person is immediately under NCT's care and protection when worse comes to worse.
So whenever Jaemin declines to be with any of them during the weekends, they never complain nor get hard feelings about it, as they knew that his weekends are completely for Iris.

"By the way Jaem, how's Iris doing? haven't you guys found a compatible donor already?" Asked by the same blonde due who asked him about his mission earlier; Mark - when it comes to support, the whole NCT is all out. So when they learned about Jaemin trying to look for compatible eye donors for his girlfriend, every member did their best and reached out to every single connection they could think of just so they could help Jaemin find a donor faster. "Yeah we did. We are just actually waiting for the results to come out by this week so Dr. Kyungsoo could already give us a schedule for the operation." Just then, a group of guys joined the company of the dream members, "Well don't worry, Jaem. We know for sure that the operation's gonna be successful, alright?" The voice startled the youngest, but was comforted by his words at the same time. The older patted Jaemin's shoulder, looking up, the youngest never missed the reassuring smile that Taeyong gave him.

"Thank you, hyung."

"Of course...hyung indeed"

and Jaemin missed the last few words of the older.

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Few months ago

Knock Knock Knock

"Come in"

The said boy entered their leader's office. He was greeted by an unusual heavy feeling inside the room. Something that he never felt before. The red-headed boy sitting proudly in his office chair suddenly felt the need to crumble down and breakdown, but he knew that that is the last thing he should do at times like this.

"Hyung, I've already got the results."

I just hope Jaemin will forgive me...

IRIS | Na JaeminHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin