chapter 8: huh?!

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Me (author): hi! Hope you all like this chapter! Now enjoy!

Star's pov:
I was sleeping.. I was sooo tired.. even though my period was over and I was overjoyed... I was just Soo tired.. I yawned and got out of bed.. something felt different.. heavy on my chest... I walked in the bathroom with just my braw and some sweats. I took one look and the mirror and saw it all..

My boobs had gotten way bigger..

I freaked out- I covered my face and felt my body around but it was just my chest..

My bra still fits but it pushed up more and made look like I was kim Kardashian with out the bbl.

I was just really terrified on how I looked.. I liked being flat.. and now my chest is big..

"Augh!" I grunted. I went back in my room to pick some closes that would not show my chest.

I picked a sweater and some shorts..

I went back in the bathroom and checked if you could see it. It was kinda visible but it will do..

There was no work today which was fantastic news.. I dont know how my uniform is going to fit.. sigh- I sighed on the back porch watching the water in the lake make little waves that hit the sand on the shore and made it more wet. The v ntke breeze on the warm sunny day made me relax.. I breathe out and went back inside.

I could see my brother cooped up in a book again.. this time it was "heart stopper". He was reading his romance books again.. I remember seeing the book "ice breaker" on his shelf, I never knew what it was about but it looked like a girly book, maybe I'll never know... I thought as I stopped bye.

"Hey I'm going out- you'll have the house to yourself mk?" I said opening the door.

"Shush- ok, see you later!" He said waving his hand for me to leave him alone. He reads too much.. I just left without saying a word. I walked out the door smelling the spring air, and feeling the wind once again...

(Also before I forget- star and comet drawings..)

(Srry for the bad quality- anyways let's move on!)

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(Srry for the bad quality- anyways let's move on!)

I walked out the door and teleported to sweet old k-mart. I went through all the aisles and went into the clothes option. I went into the underwear place and looked at the bras that they had in stalk.

"Um why are you here?" A woman said with very short hair and staing like she needs a wheel chair.

'oh um I'm looking at this stuff.." I said politely.

"Well your not human.." she said.

"Mamm, believe it or not I need some!" I said.

"No! These are for humans only! Animatronics don't grow stuff like that!" She said.

I just rolled my eyes and took the ones I thought fit right. I then walked away.

"Was I done talking to you?!" She said.

"No- I just wanted to walk away." I said.

"Gimmy those!" She said as she reached for the box.

"Um no!" I said.

"But I need them!" She said.

"Get your own!" I said.

"What's going on here?" I heard Oliver say?

"Oliver what are you doing here?!" I asked surprised.

"Fazbear pays bad so this is my second job.." she said.

"Oh um ok.." I said.

"So what's he problem here?" She said.

"This girl! This girl is stealing! She took that fro. My hands and tried to run away but I caught her!" She said grabbing my arm tightly.

"This Karen is just trying to annoy me.." I did.

"Did you just hear her! Oh that is a slur right! Karen is the most racist thing ever!" She said.

"Mamm let her go.." Oliver said.

She did...

"I'll take care of her.." oliver also said.

He then took my hand gently and took. Me to the front of the store to buy them. I fianllya did with the Karen barely trying to find me again.

I went back home and went to my clothes and put the clothes away. I then flopped on my bed again and slept..

Me author: srry it's short in seriously loseing motivation rn! Don't blame me please! Now I hope you all have a good day or night!

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