chapter 3: blood

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Me (author): people got the hint so ya- let's dig in!

Star's pov:

I laid In my bed my eyes closed. My stomach pain was gone and I felt nice. I just laid in bed fire a little. It was finally the weekend and my dad wasn't going to interrupt my sleep. I laid in my bed some more wondering if I should wake up.

I finally made the decision to wake up. I lifted my blanket of me and...






I immediately freaked the fuck out. I saw the pool of blood I was laying in..

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" I screamed.

I heard steps to my room.

I couldn't let anyone see this!

I covered myself in my blanket again.

Then my dad (solar) charged in my room. The door almost broke.

"What- why- what happened star?!" He said out of breath.

"Oh- I thought I saw a s-pider! YA! A spider!!" I said.

"Oh! Don't scare me and your father like that! He about fell out of bed!" He said.

"What happened?!" Comet said looking in the room.

"Your sister being a chicken!" He said.

"K!" He said going back into his room.

"Now that I'm up.. I'm going to go to the daycare, same with your father! So you and comet need to not destroy the house, got me?" He said.

"Ya" I said.

"What's that smell?" He said.

"Oh I don't know!" I said.

"Never mind! Anyways just behave!" He said.

He then walked out my room and shut the door.

I took the blanket off me again. I looked at the pool of blood I was laying in. I needed to call somebody...

I called earth because I was to uncomfortable to asked anyone else.

You: (star)
Hey, earth I'm Bleeding ALOT..

Oh honey! Do you not have bandages around or bandaids?

You: (star)
No! I'm bleeding in my butt! Am I dieing?!

Read secs ago

Did she just ignore me?!

What do I do?!

I layed in my bed and had tears rolling down my face.

Comet's pov:
I was in the living room drawing in my sketchbook.

I then heard fast knocking on the door.

I got up from the sofa and opened the door. It was earth. She was holding bags of stuff.

"Hey, comet! Can you let me inside it's an emergency!!!" She said.

"Oh ya! Come in!" I said as she ran in the house dropping something from a bag. I saw her run up the stairs.

I went up to the small box and picked it up.

"Tam-pax- hm? What are these..?" I said to myself. I put them on the counter and went to what I was doing.

Earth's pov:
I ran up the stairs.. oh God! I hope she is ok!

I went in her room.

"Ahhhh!" She screamed.

"Hey it's just me!- get out of bed! Your going to get your clothes even more red!" I said.

She got out of bed and stood up.

"Ok I need you too put your clothes and bed sheets in the wash ok?" I said.

I gently took her bed covers of and gave them to her.

She left with her bed sheets and clothes.


She came back into the room naked.

"Oh- uh- get in the shower! I bet you don't want to smell like blood!" I said that and she went in her bathroom.

As she did that I went in her bathroom when she got in her shower and I put the period products in the cabinet underneath her sink.

I went down stairs and went in the room.

I saw more of them on the counter.

"Oh!" I said as I picked them up and went upstairs.

I went inter her bathroom and put them in there too.

I waited in her room and sat on her bed. She walked out of the bathroom with a shirt and underware on.

"Ok.. so I have some pads.. they help soke up the blood-" I said before I was interrupted.

"Why am I bleeding?!" She said.

"Oh! Sorry! So it's called a period! So basically it's something you get every month, which is what is going on.. every month you'll bleed for like a week or so, it depends how long it goes or how heavy the flow is.. so the reason you bleed is that you can't give birth yet so it rejects the "babies" and makes blood!" I said.

"What do you mean every month?!" She said.

"Uh- honey! It the glory of being a woman!" She said.

"Ho do you put the pad on..?" She said still mad.

"I'll show you.." I said.


"This feels uncomfortable..." She said.

"I know.. you'll get used to it... Or you could get tampons! But well just use pads for now!" I said.

"Ok.." she said.

"Hey, I'll know what will cheer you up!" I said puting a arm around her neck.

"What..?" She said.

"We're going to go play some video games! Let's go!" I said takinger her hand and leaving the house.

I texted comet I left with star.

Me (author): hi!!

Hope y'all liked it! Have a good day/night!!

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