Chapter 141-150

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Chapter 141

Fan Xiaoyan shook her head and said: "That's not true. The Zhang family is still stubborn and refuses to plead guilty. They are still searching for evidence, but I think they are inseparable. Zhang Gangqiang's wife Li Yanhong fled from her hometown. Everyone is dead, and their identity is very suspicious. I think even if the Zhang family is innocent, Li Yanhong is not, she was the spy who led the Zhang family to do this, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence?"

Shi Lixia was even more curious: "Everyone is still there ! If the case has not been solved, how did this news get out?"

In Shi Lixia's opinion, if the case was not solved, these details would not have been spread, so as not to affect the police investigation work. If the Zhang family is not the murderer, it will give the real murderer a chance to escape and increase the difficulty of solving the case.

Fan Xiaoyan had an expression of 'you are so young', "The police investigation was carried out right under our noses. What was investigated and who was questioned has already spread. If you think about it for a moment, you will know what happened."

"That's true . Yes." When Shi Lixia heard this, she didn't ask any more questions. She knew how powerful the machine factory's ability to convey messages was.

Fan Xiaoyan is also the most well-informed person in Guatian, so it is not surprising that she knows this.

"I hope the murderers are the Zhang family, and the lurking spy is Li Yanhong, and this matter will stop here, otherwise our machinery factory will be in trouble again." Fan Xiaoyan sighed.

Shi Lixia: "What's wrong?"

"There must be something wrong with the woman wearing Lanxi's clothes. She is definitely the murderer of Lanxi. She is the lurking spy. If the murderer is not the Zhang family, the person wearing Lanxi's clothes is not Li Yanhong, then they have nothing to do with spies, which means that spies are probably still lurking in our factory. We

will definitely have to investigate them one by one. We must find the spies and find out the murderers. We lesbians will become the focus of attention. , I guess everyone's ancestors have been checked for eighteen generations. "

It's fun to watch other people's excitement, but if it falls on you, it will be fatal.

Although her family background is innocent and she is not afraid of investigation, there is one more troublesome thing. Every time such a large-scale investigation is carried out, all kinds of troubles will always occur.

Fan Xiaoyan is in the logistics department and can be considered a leader. She will definitely be transferred to help when the time comes. Fan Xiaoyan gets a headache just thinking about it.

There are so many female workers and female family members in the factory, and the workload of checking them one by one is terrifying just thinking about it. This kind of thing cannot be fooled.

And when I think about a spy lurking around me, I always feel frightened. If I accidentally say something to the other party, I will be implicated.

Spies are very capable of analyzing information. Even if you think you haven't said anything, you have actually revealed a lot of information, which can be life-threatening.

Fan Xiaoyan knew that she was a loudspeaker. Although she was not the kind of person who spread rumors randomly, she would be wrong if she said too much, which made her very flustered.

Shi Lixia didn't have such worries. She hadn't come to the machinery factory at that time, and no trace would be found on her head. She comforted:

"Although it's a bit troublesome, at least we can dig out the spy, so you don't have to think about it." "

✔️ Female supporting characters eat melon every day in period literatureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz