Soon they finished the questions and we went inside. The attention does not stop when we enter though. People keep asking my dad for pictures and things so I slip away into the crowd. As a creature of the shadows I am not made to be in the spotlight so this whole situation is rather disturbing to me.

I manage to stay out of the attention of the people here until I have to go out for the dinner portion of the event. The people in our table are constantly asking about us and the people at all the other tables are staring in our direction.

After dinner I dance with my dad for a bit, have some people flirt with me and hide in the shadows until it is finally time to go home. I cannot believe that people would be so indecent, staring at and flirting carelessly with someone.

Happy and Toby are now engaged which they are both very happy about and I am happy for them. Fadér, Gabe and Loki all agreed to be babysitters for Aelynn whenever I need it. Apparently they are rather bored on Asgard and Aelynn is adorable. So when I got a call from scorpion I called them up.

When they arrived I quickly packed a few things and went straight to the location of the case. When I arrive I see that there is an old nuclear reactor and it is not in good shape. "Well this is not good. You know that the technology I specialize in is medical."

"Well we have seen you work with other technology and your work is fantastic." Walter says. I sigh and sit down in front of the control panel. I can hear Paige panicking about Thanksgiving dinner in the background.

"Paige relax I will just ask some people to make it while we do this job."


I quickly pull out my phone and call fadér. "Tell me that at least one of you knows how to make a thanksgiving dinner."

"I do."

"Of course you do Gabe. Can you three bring Aelynn down here and come here to make a thanksgiving dinner for scorpion?"

"Only if you refer to me as your father."

"Not until you marry fadér."

"Fine send us the address and by the time you are done with whatever you are doing."

"Thank you." I hang up and send him the address before turning to the control panel. I have never worked on one of these but I have read plenty about them. I type in some commands to slowly turn it off. It does not solve all the problems however as there is still a chance for explosion due to the cooling system. Also Paige's mother is here and they do not get along.

Paige leaves to cool off and her mother tries to follow. Tim says that it is not a good idea but Paige's mother tries to use the newness of their relationship against him. "She clearly does not want you to follow her, so stay here."

"What do you know you're just a child?"

"A child who happens to know about bad relationships with parents."

"But your just got off the phone with your father and seemed happy enough."

"My father is not my only parent. Now sit still or leave the premises completely through a door on the opposite side of the building." She huffs and sits on something in the corner. "Now we need a way to get this out of here. It being deactivated makes it much less likely to blow up but it does not remove the possiblity so we have to get it to a safe location."

Walter figures out the exact type of location we need and Ralph finds one. Ralph also informs me that my father and his boyfriends are there. They seem a bit disturbed by alien Loki but I said I will explain everything when I get back so they simply get back to work.

Now we just have to figure out how to get it out of this building as we already have a way to get it to the other building.

We set up a system and manage to get it out of the building. We get it into a truck and connect it to the battery which I give extra power to using magic. We drive as fast as is safe with the reactor and get to the new building with time to spare. There are a few bullet holes in the truck however from Paige's mothers three o'clock appointment. We get it into the room that has the requirements and hook it back up so it will be safe until the proper people can deal with it.

After that is over we go back to the garage and I see that the dinner is done and on the table. "So are you going to explain why the man who tried to take over the world is at our table?"

"He was being mind controlled. Now he lives with my fadér." I say with no explanation other than that.

We all sit at the table and have a nice meal. We all shared some nice conversations and at this point I am fairly sure that I will be going to two weddings soon instead of just Happy and Toby's.

At the end of the day we head back to the house and my dad is not home yet from his mission so I put Aelynn down and then say goodbye to fadér, Gabe and Loki.

With Christmas approaching and the fact that my dad is not going to be home scorpion convinces me to go on an electronics free mountain getaway. Of course I only give them my laptop and one of my phones because I want to be able to contact people if something goes wrong. Also I kind of rely on technology to live at the moment. I packed some bags for me and Aelynn and we rode up to the mountain residence that we will be staying in with scorpion.

Aelynn stayed at the cabin while I went with Gallow, Walter, Tim and Ralph to go cut down a tree. I enjoy walking through the trees and the smell of all the pines. I feel at home like I never really have since I started having to live in the city.

Me, Gallow and Ralph stay back while Tim and Walter go and find a good tree because Gallow is teaching Ralph how to peel an apple with a knife. I pull out one of my hidden daggers and pick up a piece of wood and start to carve it a skill that I have not been able to use in a while.

I am about halfway finished with my carving when I hear something off. "Head back to the cabin. Something is off, I will be right back." Gallow nods and they head in the direction of the cabin. I go up to where Walter and Tim should be and crouch beside them. They are watching someone being forced at gun point to dig his own grave. "What are you going to do about this." I say behind them and they jump a little bit.

"When did you get here?"

"A few moments ago. Something felt wrong so I sent Gallow and Ralph back to the cabin. Can you keep a secret?"

"Yes." Tim says so I turn to Walter and he nods. I hand Tim my gun that I got from the BAU. "This is government issued."

"I know, FBI. But don't look up the name I use here because that is not the name that is in the FBI database." I take the dagger that I was using to carve and get to the perfect point to throw it and hit a lethal spot.

I signal to Tim and he shoots two of them while I hit the other with my dagger and knick one of his arteries. The men who were shot fall to the ground and the other man desperately tries to stop the bleeding with no success. Walter tackles the man that was hostage because we do not know if he is also a bad guy and then we tie him up to question him. I put my weapons away as the other to do this.

Once Tim shows the man his badge he spills everything and it turns out he was just in the ATF so we let him go and head back to the cabin. We take the man with us.

When we arrive I pull out one of my phones. "Wait you still have a phone?"

"Of course. We have trouble follow us."

"You can't call anyone there is no service."

"It does though because I made it." I say as I call the police.

It takes them about an hour to get up here and when they do one of them takes the man to their car and the rest go into the forest to find the bodies of the men that died and collect any men that we might have missed.

After they leave we finish setting up. The rest of the trip goes well, we have a wonderful christmas and soon we are headed back to the garage.

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