"Even as a god my powers are limited. I can't bring people back from the dead, I can only control the dead but I can't bring them back and I can only take souls."

"What's the difference?" Keith asked.

"A big difference." Hades assured. "The gift of life is a power no one has. As life is only one."

"Not even I can bring people back from the dead." I chimed in.

"But you saved me." Keith pointed out. I nodded.

"Before you died."



"What is it with you and Peter? You guys have been at each others throats since graduation." Snow whispered to me as we walked down the corridors of the palace. We were headed to the library to brush up on any ancient history about Aura and where she comes from. Anything we could find out about her would really help.

"I don't know." I shook my head, a small sigh of defeat escaping my lips. "It's not like us but god I can't stand him these past few weeks."

"jealousy maybe? He is dating Ashley." Daisy shrugged. I chuckled sarcastically. Me?  Jealous? I was definitely over Peter Parker.

"And I'm with Lucas. Let's do this research thing later its dinner time. We should join the others." I huffed.

We all sat down at the big fancy dinner table. The chandelier shone extra bright above us tonight.

For dinner we were having steak mashed potatoes and some callistoan drink.

"So peter, how are you liking Callisto? You are the future king consort." My father said, my king father not Dad dad. The avengers didn't come with us. I spoke up before Peter could.

"That won't be happening. Besides, who said a woman can't rule a country on her own?" I pointed out before scooping some mashed potatoes onto my fork.

"Well the fact we haven't had a female president yet I'd say...everyone." Sam joked, the girls all glared at him while Danny shook his head and Hades snickered.

"Thank you for that amazing insight Sam." Keith shook his head a smirk on his lips. Of course he found it funny.

"Oh, my mistake are you two not-

"Can we talk about this mission? I overheard the guards saying that Aura is nowhere to be found on the island of the gods?" I cut off my mother who looked taken aback. "So where is she?"

"She fled, I guess she knew you all were coming but you must be smart about this kids...Aura isn't someone to mess with." Hera replied.

"We can track her down. I could use a locator spell hasn't anyone tried that yet?" I questioned as if it were an obvious solution, because it was.

"We have, we had some of the best mages try to locate her using her old things. They had no luck." Easton responded. Peter cleared his throat.

"Is there anyone we should be suspicious of?" Peter asked, it was a good question. It always seemed like this castle was crawling with snakes.

"No, we did an extensive review on every staff member in this castle just to make sure. No one is in the suspicious category." Hera assured Peter.

"As of yet." Keith spoke up, he was catching up very well with everything. He was seeming to get used to this whole having powers and being in a kingdom full of gods and goddesses. His powers still needed work but I could tell Keith had great potential.


I was walking out of the library with my notebook, I had done a lot of research on Aura and where she came from. She was a descendent of the shadow monsters. Apparently my dark magic derived from them just like hers, that's why our battles are always...major.

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