Chapter 14

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Eda woke up very early in the morning, thirsty and hungry, but with a smile on her face. Kiraz was snuggled to her right side, and from the left Serkan was embracing her tightly, keeping his hand on their daughter's arm.

Eda put her hands on her stomach and sighed in contentment when she felt something small but heavy moving on her legs. She slightly raised her head from the pillow to see Sirus lying on her feet and looking at her.

"And how did you get here?" She asked in a whisper. 

The last time she checked, the puppy was sleeping in his dog bed next to the bathroom door. She looked around in search of a missing duvet and found it hanging on Serkan's side of the bed. So this was the way how the dog climbed on their high bed, and probably Serkan helped him out through his sleep.

Sirius started to pant, looking between Eda and the door, and she sighed heavily, poking Serkan in his ribs with her elbow.

"Sirius wants to go out." She whispered into his ear.

"Let him go." He mumbled, not opening his eyes, and his grip tightened around her and Kiraz.

"You let him go."


Eda rolled her eyes. She knew he didn't even wake up and was stalking through sleep. 

"It was your idea to take a dog, and I know very well how much you like your morning sleep. You have to take on your responsibilities and get your ass moving, or I will lock you outside to sleep."

"I will teach Sirius to let himself out."

Sirius started to whimper, and Eda sighed, getting up. She didn't want Kiraz to wake up too early.

She turned to Serkan. "You will never teach him to let himself out. You're going to wait me out, so I will do that."

"Yes." Serkan smiled brightly, still with closed eyes.

Eda refrained from kicking her husband and climbed over him to get off the bed. She picked up the puppy, who was already waiting at the edge of the mattress. 

"Come, Sirius, you're lucky I have to go too, and later, I will teach you how to recognize Serkan's shoes. You can go to pee there."

* * *

"Ouch, ouch, ouch."

"Don't move, or it will take more time!" Eda shook her head and tilted Serkan's face in her direction again, taking back the makeup brush into her hand.

"It hurts." He complained with an offended pout.

"How else do you expect me to cover your black eyes? And it doesn't hurt."

"That torture contraption hurt." Serkan grumbled, crossing his arms on his chest. "You slapped my face with it."

"It was a makeup sponge." Eda rolled her eyes.

"How can I be sure you are not turning me into a clown? I saw a lipstick in your hand."

"Have you ever heard about color correcting?" She sighed, blending a concealer on Serkan's most noticeable bruises in an attempt to cover them up. "I had to put orange first to cover blue and purple on your face. But if you'll keep acting like a child, I will curl your eyelashes and put mascara on you."

She reached for a setting powered and dipped a brush into it. When she brought it to Serkan's face, he sneezed, blowing all the powder on her dress.

"Serkan! Don't inhale the makeup!" She exclaimed, cleaning the powder of her clothes with a paper towel.

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