Shaunice to the Rescue

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I was so happy for my girl, Alicia. She was happy with Suave Rob and I couldn't wait to see how far they go in the industry. I was happy I was offered to jump in and help out with CFE and be mobile for Siedah since she had to be on bed rest. If everything goes well, she would be able to attend the showcase at the Taste of Chicago and I may have a permanent position.

I sat in Siedah's bedroom at her desk as she sat in the bed surrounded by documents, a bed tray stand holding her laptop, and her cell phone in hand as she gave me a rundown of the lineup for the showcase.

"We'll have Darius start off the showcase with about 3 songs, then move on to Analia."

"Got it."

"Then it will be Taye who has a song with Analia to come next with about 3 songs as well."

"Got it."

"Okay so then we'll have Alicia sing right before Suave Rob. The last song for Alicia will be the song with Suave Rob then she leaves and he has the stage for 2 - 3 songs." Siedah said looking at her phone.

I wrote down the information on the clipboard for the line up as well as saved it in my organizer app on my phone. "Got it."

"And then we will have Jacobi, with his 3 songs, to come out after Suave Rob."

"Got it."

"Oh, I need Suave Rob and Alicia at the studio today as well, I came up with another song for them. It might be an encore song. It's a sexy song for them."

"I thought Lights Out was good, but you got a baby-making song, huh?" I asked as I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Alicia.

"Girl, it's a rendition but I'm sure they will do it well." Siedah shook her head left and right. "It reminded me of when Marcus and I got together."

"How did y'all meet anyway?" I asked, curious. They seemed to have a very deep connection with each other, unlike I've ever seen. I think Alicia has something like that with Suave Rob.

"We met at a listening party Monica and Franklin were having. Monica asked me to come and celebrate but it was a set up, she wanted me to meet Marcus.

"And you fell for him when she introduced you?" I asked.

"Not exactly. We never were introduced. I never actually met him."

"Huh? Well, how did you guys get together?" I was totally confused.

"I ran into him at the next listening party, it was there when we finally exchanged numbers."

"Nice." I smiled. It was as if it was a real love story. "So what does the song sound like?

"We are gonna embrace Suave Rob's Latin roots, so it has a reggaeton beat with a mixture of Afro Soul and Spanish lyrics."

"Oh that sounds Hot!"

"It is. Every time I hear it, it makes me wanna dance. It's called Celebra by Amara La Negra." she said, shaking her hips in the bed.

"No shaking anything until the showcase." I demanded. She smiled. Siedah looked back at her phone and then her face suddenly changed. Something was wrong.

"Oh Shit," Siedah blurted. "Fuck!"

"What's wrong?" I looked at her shuffling papers on her bed.

"It looks like we did it again." Siedah said, sounding disappointed.

"Did what again?"

"Double booked Suave Rob and Alicia." She sounded defeated.

"Oh Shit." I replied.

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