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Suave Rob

I couldn't believe Marisol had the audacity to call and tell me she was pregnant, as if I had anything to do with it. I had no issue in letting Alicia know because I didn't want her to have any doubts about me. Of course I have a past, everyone does but I don't have any baby mama drama and I wasn't about to start. Marisol knows she's not pregnant with my seed, and if I needed to request a test to satisfy any doubts Alicia may have, I would be the first to step up with a sample.

That motherfucker also had the nerve to stop by Alicia's apartment with flowers - Roses at that. I cut them up and put them in the trash and made sure they were out of the apartment by the time we left. I didn't need her to have any memory of him, the guy was psychotic. My plan was to make sure everyone knew she's mine.

The next day, Alicia and I were back together on our rounds of promoting ourselves along with the showcase at the Taste of Chicago. Marcus asked us to come by the station before we headed out to the 102.5 Jamz radio interview. When we arrived, everyone except for Siedah was there. Shortly after we arrived, Alicia's friend Shaunice walked through the door.

"Good, everyone is here." Franklin picked up a tablet off of the cocktail table. " Let's start because we have a lot of stuff to go over. First off, it seems as though you two are quite the item." Franklin pointed towards us.

"What?" Alicia and I asked in unison. Franklin chuckled and looked at Monica who was shaking her head.

"You two were seen out and about , I can only assume it was yesterday, correct?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah, we hung out a bit yesterday. Why? What happened?" I asked. Franklin handed me the tablet. Alicia leaned over and looked at it with me.

Pictures of us had hit social media; as I scrolled there were more and more pictures. We looked good together I had to admit; we looked happy being with each other. The caption was 'Suave Rob and Alicia: Are they an item?'. There was even a picture of us kissing. Alicia blushed so hard she covered her mouth in awe.

"Wow, okay. I didn't expect that." I said handing back the tablet.

"We did, we just didn't know it would happen so fast." Monica replied. Alicia looked at me, making me smile. I loved the way she looked at me.

"You expected us to get followed?" Alicia asked.

"That too, but we expected you two would get together." Marcus blurted. Both Alicia and I smiled, I felt myself blushing more than I have ever done before in my life.

"So let's just set the record straight - y'all together now right?" Monica asked. I looked at Alicia sitting next to me on the couch. I took her hand, laced my fingers with her and kissed the back of her hand.

"Yes. We are together." I said proudly. Alicia smiled and leaned on my shoulder, I could tell she was happy.

"It's about damn time!" Shaunice yelped and everyone laughed.

"Congratulations." Everyone chimed in. It felt good to be part of the CFE Group, it was like Family.

"Well, that radio station, Hotness 95.7 is claiming they knew something was going on before y'all actually started."

"Yeah, I kinda figured. I was in the process of making my move." I laughed and Alicia bumped me."

"Well the news has hit that you two are a couple or the beginning of a relationship, just to give you a heads up when you two go to the station today."

"A'ight cool." I answered.

"Ok next, since Siedah is in the hospital and will be on bed rest when she is released tomorrow, we need someone to help Monica with the logistics. That's why we asked you here, Shaunice."

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