Take Care

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I was so happy Alicia was out doing her thang. She hasn't gotten to the point where she can quit her job but she's well on her way. I had been missing in action for a while as I had to take care of a few family matters but I was able to be with Alicia at work.

"So have you heard from that fool? It's been a minute, right?" I asked as we sat down for lunch.

"Not since he showed up at my place and Roberto answered the door." She smiled, stabbing her fork into her salad.

"Girl, I would have paid a million dollars to be there to see his face when Suave Rob opened the door." I laughed, throwing my head back; I'm sure Maurice was not expecting Alicia to have moved on.

"So, y'all an item yet?" I winked at her, giving her a sly smile.

"No, not yet." She blushed talking about him. "I'm taking it slow and he's willing to wait."

"Well that's when you know he's a good one. He ain't tryna pressure you into anything." I sipped my drink.

"No, he's not. But damn girl, I swear, I'm having feelings each time we're around each other."

"But isn't that like every day? Ain't y'all promoting together?"

"Yes, girl. But girl, when I ride with him on that motorcycle, I just want him to turn around and let me ride him."

"Aww shit, your ass is getting all hot riding behind him!"

"Girl, shit. Then he holds my hands and then flirts with me. I don't know how much longer I can hold out."

"Shit, why are you holding out? You should've given him some good-good the time he scooped you from TS Entertainment."

"Shaunice, you're so bad." She giggled.

"Girl, I'm for real." I smiled. "So when is your next show?"

"I don't know yet, Monica and Siedah had been working on getting us the next gig, but they hadn't told everyone yet. I think it's gonna be a big one."

"I hope so, because you deserve it."

"Thanks girl, I'm glad I'm doing all this shit with Roberto. I get to see how to respond and how to ignore some of that negativity that comes with it."

"Girl, Suave Rob is definitely on the path of teaching you a few things."

"Well, I'm ready to learn." We laughed and finished out lunch before heading back to work. The day went by faster than expected and before I knew it, we were at CFE Studios, this time it was at Franklin's place.

Alicia and I walked into the studio, to what seemed like a very important meeting. Analia, Darius, Taye were already there along with Jacobi, a new singer who had just signed with the company shortly after Alicia did. We squeezed in next to Suave Rob sitting on a bench located on the side opposite Marcus and Franklin.

"Thank you all for coming, I know it was last minute but we just received the information and confirmation." Franklin spoke loudly to make sure everyone could hear him.

"We just received confirmation for our next showcase," Marcus chimed in. I looked over at Siedah and Monica, they looked hot as they fanned themselves with their hands. "CFE Group will be in the house at the Taste of Chicago!" He yelled. Everybody cheered loudly with excitement.

I looked at Alicia and she was hugging Suave Rob, smiling hard. She looked at me and waved me over, giving me a hug as if I was going to perform.

"Oh my goodness, The Taste?!" She screamed, holding me tightly.

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