Denim Knight

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I woke up to a text message from Siedah giving me a schedule for a few radio interviews she had lined up for the week. She has been hustling for me since day one; I appreciated CFE so much because they took a chance and invested in me therefore I needed to show up and shine. It was my day off and I didn't need to be in the studio until later on today; so I had the day to myself.

As I walked out the house, a car and driver were waiting outside my building. The driver got out of the car and walked around to the back passenger door.

"Ms. Givens?" He called my name. I stopped suddenly in my tracks wondering who this person was and how did he know my name?

"Who's asking?"

"I'm from the entertainment company, I was told to pick you up and bring you to the studio." he replied.

I thought I wasn't supposed to go to the studio until later on but I could have gotten the schedule wrong. I figured it might be better to have the afternoon off, I could still run my errands afterwards. I smiled and walked towards the car; the driver opened the back door and I stepped in. I felt it was important that they would send a car for me; it was nice to be appreciated.

I sat back as he closed the door and walked around to the driver's side, got in and we were off. After we had driven for a little bit, I noticed we were nowhere near CFE Studios. I figured we were going to the other studio and relaxed as the driver started going in the same direction. I was getting excited as we approached the exit towards the studio until the driver kept going and made no attempts to get off at the exit. It was then when I realized something wasn't right and I started feeling uncomfortable.

"Sir?" I asked from the backseat.

"Yes, Ma'am?" He answered looking in the rearview mirror quickly.

"You said we were going to the studio, correct?" I needed clarity on what I thought I heard.

"Yes, Ma'am, that is correct. We should be arriving at TS Entertainment studios shortly." he said.

"TS Entertainment?!" I yelled. I smelled Maurice all over this; That conniving, little motherfucker!

"Yes, Ma'am. Mr. Sanders is waiting for you as we speak." He said exiting the expressway.

I sat in the back fuming at the audacity of Maurice; trying to force me to audition, well he had another thing coming. The driver pulled into the parking lot of TS Studios. Don't get me wrong, they were doing very well as the competition, but this was a dick move.

Everyone knew I debuted with CFE so why are they trying so hard to steal new artists? Especially after Suave Rob left.

The driver opened the door and waited for me to exit the vehicle. I stepped out and there was no Maurice in sight as he was the first and only motherfucker I was looking forward to seeing.

"You can go through those doors. They will lead you to the lobby. Go to the reception desk and they will take you to Mr. Sanders." He pointed to two huge frosted glass doors.

"Thank you." I smiled and walked with a vengeance through the doors.

On the other side of the doors was a long, white corridor leading to another door at the end. It was like a space portal and my walking never seemed to end. All of the walking allowed me to get even madder; I could have been running my errands instead of going on a wild goose chase looking for a stupid motherfucker so I could kick his ass.

I finally reached the last door and exited the hallway; the lobby was huge and immaculate. The TS logo hung from the ceiling in the middle of the room. There was a modern black and gold reception desk with a cute girl working behind it. I walked over to the desk as instructed by the driver.

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