CHAPTER 43: Karma Stirs - The Coming Storm

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The color drained from people's faces as they began skimming through the test paper. Audible sighs of frustration, disapproving clicks of tongues, and vacant stares revealed that many were ill-prepared for this challenge.

Daisuke was calm, and it wasn't because of his Composure Stat. Much like in medieval times, the general public's level of education was relatively low.

Similarly, the majority of common folk in Sehreneti Online lacked the ability to read or write. Their proficiency lay more in handling coin than words, given that their livelihoods were intricately tied to financial matters.

To Daisuke, the questions on the paper seemed reminiscent of elementary school-level problems, prerequisites for what he had previously studied in high school.

Language was a breeze, while deduction, analytical thinking, and some segments of the arithmetic section were imbued with elements directly relevant to adventurers. As an avid gamer and a resident of the in-game world for many years, the exam posed no significant hurdle for him.

However, the duration did.

Five hours later, Daisuke and Zephyr's soul was just about ready to depart through their mouths. It was absurd that the examination dragged on for so long, and even more frustrating that he wasn't permitted to leave until the very end, despite having completed his answers.

"Times up," Professor Bayley finally declared, slipping his pocket watch back into his clothes.

With a flick of his wand, everyone's test papers were enveloped in a blue light and gracefully levitated into the air. They swirled above the classroom, arranging themselves into an intricate spiral before neatly stacking upon the lectern.



The students' reactions were quite polarized. Those who had managed to complete their papers were struck with awe at the display of magical prowess. Conversely, those who hadn't finished were understandably frustrated.

"You will receive your test results by tomorrow," informed Mr. Bayley. "Until then, you are all dismissed. The door at the back of the classroom will lead you to the cafeteria where a meal will be provided for you.

You have just one hour for your break. Afterward, return to the classroom for the practical segment of your examination. Your performance in both the theoretical and practical tests will determine your overall grade."



A long groan escaped the lips of a female mage.

After the grueling exam, the adventurers found themselves trudging wearily through a seemingly endless corridor like a horde of mindless zombies. Their fatigued bodies and minds left them little energy to appreciate the intricate murals adorning the walls.

Soon the tantalizing aroma of food hung in the air like a siren's call. The closer they got to the cafeteria, the more vibrant their faces became, exhaustion momentarily forgotten in the promise of a hearty meal.

Finally, the corridor opened up into a vast hall, filled with rows of benches and tables. In one corner, a display case showcased a delectable array of dishes. And eager staff members stood at the ready, poised to serve the ravenous adventurers.

With newfound vigor, the students raced ahead, forming a chaotic line that stretched almost to the entrance. Their excited chatter filled the hall as they eagerly discussed which dishes they would try, the brutality of the exam, and the potential hardships the practical would entail.

After getting enough food for Zephyr and himself, Daisuke sought out a quiet, secluded table where he could enjoy his meal in peace. Osten kept a watchful eye on him from a distance, his features hardening with a growing determination to exact revenge.

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