🔻Our information confirms that Netanyahu personally obstructs reaching an agreement for personal accounts

#Urgent |  Member of the Hamas Political Bureau, Izzat al-Rishq: “They threaten us with an invasion of Rafah, and we promise them failure and defeat.”

#Urgent |  American police disperse a sit-in by students protesting at the University of Virginia in solidarity with the Gaza Strip and arrest a number of them

#Video |  The moment the occupation aircraft targeted the house of the “Islaih” family in the Al-Manara neighborhood in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip

Abdul Rahman Shedid: We salute the mujahideen of the Al-Qassam Brigades who fought an honorable battle against the enemy forces for 15 continuous hours on the land of the town of Deir Al-Ghusoun in Tulkarm.

#Urgent |  Zionist artillery shelling targets the Al-Mughraqa area in the central Gaza Strip

#Urgent |  Occupation aircraft bombed the city of Khiam and the town of Dhahira, south of Lebanon

Mahmoud Mardawi: What happened in Tulkarm is an extension of our ongoing and open battle with the occupation.

#Follow |  Writer and political analyst A.  Bassam Ghanoum:

🔻The massacres committed against our people in Gaza are great
But the steadfastness of our people in Gaza is legendary

The Zionist enemy evades and evades its obligations and uses the Rafah card to try to impose its conditions on the resistance.

🔻The battle will not remain confined to Gaza
During the invasion of Rafah

🔻The flood of universities in America is one of the results of the Al-Aqsa flood battle

#Follow |  Leader Abdul Rahman Shedid: The Palestinian people do not know the path of surrender and retreat, and there is no alternative to the option of resistance in the face of the occupation

#Follow |  Leader Abdel Rahman Shedid: The Palestinian people today are committed and believe that there is no option for liberation but resistance

#Follow |  Leader Abdul Rahman Shadid: The Al-Aqsa flood proved that the Zionist enemy is weaker than a spider’s web

#Follow |  Leader Abdul Rahman Shedid: If it were not for the unlimited American support for the Zionist enemy, he would not have withstood the resistance of our people to this moment

#Follow |  Leader Abd al-Rahman Shadid: Anyone who has weapons in the West Bank must come down, storm and clash, so there is no room for patience, even for a minute.

#Follow |  Leader Abdul Rahman Shedid: We must regain our rights from our enemy by force of arms, and we are all required to wage jihad

#Urgent |  Enemy media: The occupation police commander in the Jerusalem area was injured in a traffic accident near the Ofer checkpoint, west of Ramallah

#Follow |  Hamas spokesman A.  Jihad Taha for Al-Aqsa Channel:

🔻We are open to all proposals to reach an agreement that ends the suffering of our people.  The most important of which is a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire

The movement’s position is clear: it does not give up on the issues that serve our people, from ceasefire to reconstruction

The resistance emerges from the rubble to deliver messages through heroic operations that it is present because resistance is the only option to defeat the occupation.

🔻Despite the ongoing efforts and endeavors, the occupation seeks to continue the aggression against our Palestinian people

#Follow |  Hamas leader Hossam Badran:

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