Chapter Fifty-Two: Déjà Vu

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Adrien's POV

My eyes open and everything hurts. My whole body feels fractured. Each limb separating itself from me as if it's a universe away.

I can't breathe, and I don't know what to do.
And then I see her...

It's hard to explain when you are face to face with the greatest love you've ever had. When you lose them and miraculously gain them back it's unreal. You never want to leave. You never want to be apart. All those inside jokes, secret songs, and memories... even though I'm right next to you;

"I miss you." I whisper up to her. My voice is hoarse and each syllable feels painstaking.

Then she looks at me. God, she looks at me.

I've fallen all over again.

Suddenly, my vision expands and I take in the room. It's no longer just her and me. It's her bedroom in all its glory. The same one I would hang around as Chat when we were just friends. The same one we first played video games in.

Her pink bed is bordered with her railings. The throw pillows swirl around us in a tornado of all shapes and sizes. It feels nice here. Like a haven from the world.

She looks grim now. Her cheeks wet and red. Her eyes are dull and somehow in a perfect moment like this, we feel out of place.

The pain returns back to my chest as if it had never been gone before. Had it ever really succeeded? It's an infinite burn that consumes me in a fire. I try and make a smile up at her.

"What's wrong, Marinette?" I hum out.

"Everything..." she whispers, "I-i don't want to lose you. I'm so sick of this. I don't want to keep tying myself in knots and every time things start looking up for us there's another obstacle. I don't want another tragedy, I just want you."

"Well, you have me now."


"I know. This isn't exactly purrfect."

She makes a face at the pun clearly annoyed because she was trying to have a serious conversation. I always tend to mess those up when they're centered around me. However, she lets out a tiny scoff. It's a short chuckle but it's like music. It's the only way in a tense moment to rewind.

We hear the bombs outside and suddenly the boom of a voice around the city: "Greetings citizens of Paris- it's been a while."

"Hawkmoth" Marinette grits out.


I sit up propped-up against the cushions of her bed.

Marinette holds me tight, and in that moment I know her gentle touch is hurting me more, but nothing feels better.

Her hands ring around my neck and my hair grabs her hair stroking it lightly. Nothing feels more perfect.

I see flashes of green and red dashing around the room. Plagg and Tikki must be rushing around.

"The end is coming soon." I whisper.

"No... we always figure it out and we're going to this time- I just don't know how yet." I look up at my girl, she looks so determined so firm so strong.

I grab her hand bringing it to my face and peppering kisses on her palm. I needed to give keep my promise of giving her 996 more flowers when this was all over. In reality she deserved thousands and millions of bouquets. I wanted her to have them.

I hear the bombs go off outside. Hawkmoth must have akumatized someone once more.

"It looks like someone is waiting for us..." I chuckle in the darkness that crushes the sky outside of her windows.

"I know." She smiles nuzzling into my neck, "but what if we just... stayed here for a while..." she looked at me with pleading eyes and my body becomes cement.

It feels wrong to be selfish for once. To not be a hero. But we both know Paris needs us. And the minute the words leave her lips I notice she's wearing her earrings. I look at them and suddenly, I understand.

Plagg wiped out the dinosaurs with one swipe of his cataclysm so what if—

And then it hits me. There is a way we can win.

I look up at her and nod before pulling her tighter towards me. An immediate blush appears on Marinette's face and her body turn limp crashing into mine. God, this is euphoria. I grab her face and stroke my thumb along her freckles.

My lips press softly against her forehead to the tip of her nose before moving to each cheek and finally finding her lips.

I feel a gasp part from her lips into mine before she kisses back eagerly. It's been a while since we were like this. I stroke her hair tighter diving deeper into her mouth tasting her skips and trying to hold as much of her as she can. My hand finally finds itself in the crook of her lower back and we sway like this.

Suddenly, she breaks away from me. Her eyes wide and her cheeks flushed and full.

She looks gorgeous.

And then she smiles slyly.

"Tikki spots on!"

And with a flash of red there she is in her red spotted suit.

My heart can't stop beating, I never thought I'd see her like this again, I grab her face again pulling her in for another kiss.

Now, it was my turn to break away.

"Plagg, claws out!"

I'm going to miss this.

Nobody's POV

Both young heroines stand side by side on the roof. One still remains in the white leather and the other back in her classic red suit and black spots. It had been a while since they had been partners.

Something felt oddly familiar to Adrien; a glitch in the system; a redo of the events that had happened months ago. When his love lost her mind. Marinette never looked at him the same until now, and he wanted so badly to keep that. He would have given anything to stay in that moment, but even the best ends become ephemeral. As Ladybug had realized she needed to give up guardianship, he had to do something much greater...

"I need to..." It was hard to bring himself to the end of that sentence because he had never really been alive to begin with. But all of his memories, his experiences, his feelings, his moments of love when he began to go to school and stop being locked in his room became clear. This was it: this was the end.

No island, no trips around the world, no causal outings: this was it.

He smiled a bit. Maybe he was even going to miss modeling, something he despised so much as a child.

Parallels and Déjà Vu submerged themselves together in his mind as he looked towards the blood seeped sky, his father in the middle of the chaos in front of him.

If Plagg wiped out the dinosaurs with his cataclysm he could do the same.

In order to stop his Father, he had to stop his heart; he would have to destroy all magic including himself.

-End of Chapter 52-

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