Deadpool x Venom!Reader: La casa de Piscina del Muerta

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"Bro, houses are so expensive." (Y/N) groaned, laying their head on Wade's lap. "I know I can't keep crashing here, but my boss is a dick and only pays quarter what he should. I took out a terrorist group, for fucks sake."

Wade smiled down at (Y/N). He just loved listening to their voice. Hearing it grounded him. Even when they got mad at him, it was just so refreshing to hear them ranting and getting their feelings out.

(Y/N) hardly ever expressed themselves, but when they did, Wade locked the precious moments in his heart.

"It's totally fine. Though, why don't you just room with me?" Wade asked.

"Oh, Wade, I couldn't do that to you. I already take up so much of your-" A surprised squeak left their lips as Wade pressed a hand to (Y/N)'s mouth and then pressed his own mouth to the back of his hand.

It was really his way of saying that he loved (Y/N), but the words never actually left his mouth. They had mutual feelings for each other, but never made anything official because of the occupations they both have. (Y/N) being an assassin, and Wade being a mercenary. It was hard to not love each other freely, but neither of you wanted to suffer the other's death.

Well, Wade can't die. Actually, neither can (Y/N), but Wade didn't know that, and didn't want to suffer losing another significant other.

"Just talk to him." Wade said, cupping their cheek and smiling at you.

"I'm gonna kill that fucker and take what he owes me." (Y/N) grumbled, sitting up and scooting off of Wade's bed. Wade watched proudly as they cocked their gun and jumped down the stairs.

An hour and a half later, (Y/N) still hadn't come back and Wade was worried, pacing back and forth anxiously.

"Al!" Wade shouted, finding her in the living area. "Has (Y/N) called you or the apartment at all?"

Al sat in her rocking chair, and then looked at him. (Well, can you really look if you're blind cause when you look you have to see- lemme stop.)

"No, sorry, Wade." Al said, looking back at the TV. "Also, you should just ask them out."

"Oh, Al, I would, but I don't wanna lose her." Wade sighed. Shaking his head, he left to go look for (Y/N).


(Y/N) laid on the ground, broken in various places, but their body stitching itself back together slowly.

"Took ya long enough." They bit at the alien in their head.

"Oh, hush, We were busy." The alien replied, causing a pain in their gut.

"Fuck, okay, I'm sorry." (Y/N) groaned, clutching their throbbing gut. (Y/N) had indeed taken out their employer and taken what he owed them, if a little more, but he had put up a pretty impressive fight.

They were now bruised and broken in a dumpster in an alleyway. It sucked mostly because Venom had taken his sweet time patching them up, but also because their phone died so they couldn't text or call Wade or Al.

"Hold the fuck up, busy doing what?" (Y/N) asked the stubborn symbiote.

"Uh- um..." The symbiote trailed off and (Y/N) groaned. Venom had this tendency to forget that he wasn't dead anymore. After (Y/N)'s brother, Eddie, died, Venom decided to bond with (Y/N) in the short amount of time that he had and almost died.

"Sorry, (Y/N), we forgot again. We miss Eddie." Venom purred lowly. They nodded.

"I miss him too, buddy." (Y/N) agreed softly. "Though, you might want to hurry up, I smell Wade and I just know he's worried."

"You humans are so fragile, we have to be careful when we heal you, (Y/N)." Venom grumbled, patting your head.

He did speed up a bit, making (Y/N) groan and writhe in pain. Once he finished, He retreated back to the dark recesses in (Y/N)'s mind.

Climbing out of the dumpster, you wandered out of the alleyway to follow Wade's bloody smell.

"(Y/N)! Where have you been?!" Wade exclaimed, tackling you into a hug. They grunted softly, taking the hit and sitting down hard with Wade in their arms.

"I was busy bleeding to death in a dumpster, sorry Wade. Venom took his sweet time patching me up." Wade gave you a confused look and you took a second to realize what he was confused about.

"Shit." (Y/N) cursed, taking Wade's face in their hands. "I have a symbiote." They explained, making Wade's face light up.

"Can you die?" Wade asked.

"Weird question, but no. Not really. As long as Venom's still breathing, I should be fine." (Y/N) replied. Wade pulled (Y/N) down into a passionate kiss. They happily returned the kiss, allowing him to push his tongue inside and dominate the kiss.

Wade was the first to break the kiss, but he just picked (Y/N) up and dashed home. Once the two of them got home, let's just say, Al didn't get much sleep that night. Or the next. 

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