Movie Bowser x Captured,Coldhearted, F! Reader

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This is you taking Luigi's role when he gets captured and interrogated. The two of you were captured together and taken in for interrogation separately. Enjoy! :)

"I don't know if you know who I am, but I'm about to marry a princess and rule the world." Bowser started. "But there's someone in the way and I want to know who he is and what he wants."

"Cool. Who?" You asked.

"He looks like the boy that you fought so hard to protect, but he's red." Bowser looked at you, as if expecting a response, but all he got in reply was a withering glare. You looked up at him so darkly and coldly that even he took a step back.

"Don't. Touch. My. Brothers." You growled. He growled angrily and snatched you out of Kamek's magic by your neck. You calmly held your breath and kept a dark glare locked on his fiery red eyes.

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!" Bowser yelled.

"Wow. Losing your temper to a 20-year-old?" You said, voice strained. "What. A. Baby." He growled so loudly, the airship rumbled. Bowser tightened his grip on your neck and you started silently panicking. You took tiny measured breaths through your nose and then bit down on the finger closest to you. It kinda hurt, but you bit him as hard as you could and he threw you to the ground.


"That hurt." You groaned. You stood shakily and bolted off.

"Hey!" the shy guys yelled in their gravely voices. You kept running and eventually found your brother. You grabbed his restraints and yanked him along with you. He ran after you, very confused as to what was happening.

"Hey, what are we doing? Are you trying to get us killed?" Luigi asked worriedly.

"No." You replied tersely. You started forming a rope ladder with some rope and wood you found nailing it to the ship, you cased it overboard. "Go!" You commanded.

"But what about-"

"Go! I don't have time to argue. I'll follow you and I think we'll be fine." he relented and climbed down the ladder. You quickly followed and attached a parachute-esque thing to your back and jumped. Grabbing onto your brother's hand as you fell. He was screaming and you were trying to not cry because you were falling faster than you had planned. When you pulled the string for the parachute it slowed your fall considerably. You ended up hitting the ground harder than your brother did because he was on top of you but nonetheless.

"We got free." You panted. "We got free."

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