Chris x F! Abused Reader

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Pt 2 :) here's some food. <3 also the pick has nothing to do with the story I just like it.

At the spa, you, Aviva, and Koki got to know each other. Y'all joked around and asked each other basic 'getting to know other people' questions, like what's your favorite color, what's your favorite movie, ect. When the time came to go back to the Tortuga, you felt that you could trust them.

"Um, am I gonna bunk with anyone?" You asked. Koki shrugged and looked at Aviva.

"Sure! you can bunk with whoever you want." Aviva said. You hummed and went towards Chris.

"You cool with me bunking with you?" You asked. His face flushed. Pink dusted his cheeks and he nodded.

"Sure I'll go set something up for you now." He replied with a smile. Now it was your turn to blush. Red painted your features and you covered your face and groaned.

"Stupid boy." You mumbled.

Aviva smirked at you and you lightly punched her shoulder. "Shut up." You laughed.

"I didn't say anything!" She giggled.

"You thought it!" You accused lightly.

"I did." She admitted. Y'all laughed about that exchange and she patted your shoulder.

"(Y/N)! I'm done, you wanna hang out and get to know each other better?" You heard Chris call. You flinched at hearing your name called out like that but you quickly righted yourself.

"Yeah, sure." You called back, heading over to his room. When you entered his room you were greeted with a strong smell of boy and iced tea. *don't ask how you knew it was iced, you just did.* Chris smiled at you and turned to let you in.

What you saw was a mess of pillows and blankets. His bed was made neatly, but he took it upon himself to make the most comfy bed set up for you. He sat on his bed and patted the space next to him. You sat next to him and crossed your legs in front of you.

"So what's your favorite animal?" Chris asked.

You shrugged. "Anacondas or electric eels."

"I was almost strangled by an anaconda while in a hummingbird suit riding a capybara." He said nonchalantly. You stared at him, shocked.

"You're not scared of them?" You asked.

"Na. Just don't use the hummingbird suit in the Amazon rivers anymore." He replied.

"Bravery." You mumbled. "Anyhootles, what's your favorite animal?"

"Hmmm. I don't know. Probably spider monkeys. Ooh! The Liturgusa krattorum for sure." He said. You smiled at the sparkle in his eyes and sat back. He rambled for hours about adventures he had been on with his brother until he felt a weight on his lap. He looked down to see you asleep on his lap.

He chuckled quietly and lifted you into his arms. He set you on the mattress on the floor, and tucked you in.

Further into the night Chris woke you to you shaking next to him with tears streaming down your face.

"Hey." He whispered gently. He placed his hand on your shoulder and you flinched away and woke up. Chris sat up and held his arms open. "Touch?"

Sobs wracked through your body and you collapsed into his arms. You two just sat there. You crying in his arms and him whispering sweet nothings into your ear. This was the biggest act of trust you had demonstrated since you had been there. It was honestly the first act of trust you had ever demonstrated with a man too.

Eventually you calmed down. When you did you sat up out of the cage of his arms and wiped your face.

"I-I'm sorry. I was scared and I didn't know what to do so I curled up next to you." You whispered.

"Hey," He started gently. "It's okay. You don't have to apologize. Martin comes in here every time he has a nightmare."

"B-but he's your brother, you love him. I'm just some random girl who is so fucking sensitive even though I was trained by the best boxers in the world."

"I was the one who suggested we bring you back to the HQ. When I saw you under that tree I felt a side of me emerge that usually comes out when I love someone and they're hurt. I love you okay? And nothings gonna change that."

You looked up at him almost fearfully. "Really?"


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