Erasermic x OC (Suzy Carter) PT 2

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"Aizawa, I have the papers that you needed me to grade and my papers done." Suzy said.

She walked into the fairly boring room and placed the papers on his desk.

"You've been crying." Aizawa said bluntly. Suzy froze. After a moment she regained her composure and fiddled with her magnetic pen.

Avoiding eye contact Suzy glared at the ground. "Why does that matter?" She asked, sounding downcast. "It's not like anyone who can do anything about it cares."

"What?" Aizawa stood up from his chair and held her shoulders. He held her chin and gently made her look into his eyes. "What's wrong?"

Suzy pulled away. "Shit shit shit!" She ran off in a panic fearing for her safety. Suzy quickly made it back to her classroom and slammed the door behind her. "We have twenty minutes, get to the closet and hide." Suzy ordered.

"Why?" Shinsou asked. He was worried about his favorite teacher.

"Because there will be a lockdown soon I'm sure of it." Not even 5 minutes after she said that Principal Nezu told all teachers to lock the school down over the loudspeaker. Suzy quickly did her part and sprinted up the stairs leading to the roof. When she finally got there she paraglided down to face the intruder.

"Dabi..." Suzy huffed. "Get out of here." She made a full armed slashing motion as if she was parrying an attack. Suzy doubled over from exhaustion and looked up at him.

"What did I tell you? Don't ask for help. You don't deserve it." Dabi growled.

"I know I know, I just said I don't need help. I wasn't asking for help." Suzy panted.

Dabi glared down at her. "Fine." He hissed. Suzy gulped. She knew what was coming later and she was not looking forward to it. Standing up straight she clasped her hands behind her back and headed towards the principal's office.

"Suzy, care to explain?" Nezu asked. Suzy gave him her most innocent look and sat across from him.

"Whatever do you mean, Nezu? I was just doing my job and protecting the students of UA High." Suzy answered.

"You were meddling with a villain." Nezu said simply.

Suzy looked at him with utmost confusion. "No I'm not." She said firmly. "I quite literally do not know what you're talking about." Nezu looked her up and down.

"You're fired."

"What?!" Suzy exclaimed. "Fine." Suzy stood up and ran to her classroom. Well her former classroom. When she finally got there she flung open the door. "Shinsou! Get everyone out of the closet."

Shinsou gave her a sharp nod and opened the closet doors. As soon as they were let out chaos broke free. "OI, HEY! Settle down!!" Suzy shouted. "I said settle down!" Everyone heard that order and sat in the seat closest to themself. "I've been fired and I need you to protest." Suzy started packing her things. "And Shinsou I need you to grade these papers." Suzy smiled sadly and left.

"You did what?" Aizawa asked. He was standing in front of Nezu's desk, fuming. He was looming over the tiny principal with a withering glare in his eyes.

"She was meddling with a villain." Nezu argued.

"No she wasn't, she got the intruder to leave without conflict. How is that bad?"

"I found out that she's dating Dabi. He's a villain." Nezu said.

"No, no she told me that too but she also said he's really abusive. Fuck I have to find her."

Aizawa ran outside and looked for signs of where she could've gone. Eventually he found a trail of violets leading to a small house. From outside of the house he heard Suzy sobbing an apology. He checked to see if the door was unlocked but it wasn't so he kicked the door open.

"Step away from her and put your hands up." Aizawa commanded. Dabi glared at Suzy and stepped away with his hands up. Aizawa held up his gun and pointed it at the flame villain. "Get on your knees and put your hands behind your back." Dabi did as told, but pulled out a gun of his own. He then pointed it at Suzy.

"Back off or she gets it." He hissed. Aizawa lowered the gun he held slightly.

"No! Aizawa, please that gun has a base level attack of 84! That'll take a lot out of me." Suzy pleaded. Tears were streaming down her fear ridden face as she gazed at him.

"Listen to her, she's the one that helped me make it." Dabi sniped. Aizawa growled and lowered his gun. He put it in its holster and glared at the flame villain. "So here's what we're gonna do. This bitch is a slut. If you want her to live you have to let me go."

"Fine. But you have to leave her alone." Dabi smirked.

"Deal." The flame villain left her house and Aizawa rushed over to Suzy. he kneeled next to her and placed his hand on her forehead.

"Are you ok, do you need anything?" Aizawa was ready to sprint to get whatever she needed. She leaned into him and cuddled his arm.

"Please, just stay with me." Suzy whimpered. Aizawa relaxed into her hold and leaned into her.

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