Chris x F! Abused Reader

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This was not the first time you'd been through this song and dance with Gourmand before. You hated it. You fucked up he threw a tantrum and then he raped you. Like I said earlier This wasn't the first time this had happened but you were honestly not expecting his shit this time. He's just lost another battle with the Wild Kratts and you gave a quiet sigh of relief because no matter how good of a chef he was you never wanted to eat meat that wasn't chicken or turkey but even still you couldn't stand killing anything. You only wanted meat if it was store bought.

Today though he was exceptionally angry because he'd lost in a way that made him look stupid. Of course you already knew he wasn't being smart but he refused to listen to you, and now that he saw that your way was better he was livid.

"Get on your knees." Gourmand said darkly. You let out a frustrated sigh. You were tired of his shit and it was starting to become too much.

"What the fuck for this time?" You hissed. You shot him a withering glare and went back to sweeping. "I just finished cleaning everything up I'm not gonna handle you fucking me. You sadist. I don't even get to finish most of the time you self absorbed asshole."

Gourmand slapped you across your face and punched you in the gut. You groaned and doubled over. You punched him back, surprised at your bravery and ran out. You didn't have anything so you just ran until you passed out under a tree.

You felt gentle hands pick you up and carry you somewhere warm. This person then carefully placed you onto a bed and tucked you in. Once you were sure they left you snuggled deeper into the warm place. You hadn't slept in a bed this comfy in months or maybe a year. It had been a while since Gourmand had convinced you to join him and proceed to treat you like shit. About 4 or 5 hours later you woke up. You carefully sat up and checked your surroundings.

'Where am I?' you thought. You flinched and sprang to a standing position when you heard a door open. You knew your way around the boxing arena from past experience but you were a little rusty.

"Who the hell are you?!" You demanded. The men who entered the room jumped slightly. "Where the hell am I?!" You were almost hysterical with fear and confusion. You dropped into a fighting position and were ready to fight your way out, even though you didn't know the strength of the two men in front of you.

"Woah woah, calm down a bit, we just want to make sure you're okay." The one in green said.

"Yeah, we found you passed out near our HQ so we decided to bring you in." The one in blue said. You looked them up and down skeptically.

"Names." You demanded.


"Martin." They replied.

You stared them down for a good 40 seconds before straightening and introducing yourself. "(Y/N) (L/N). What do you want with me? Why do ya want me alive? Evil? Poaching? Murder? For your own sexual pleasure?" You basically growled.

"Woah, woah. None of that stuff, we simply wanted to ask if you were okay with helping us save creatures around the world." Chris said. Both him and Martin were kinda surprised with what and how you said what you said, but they were more worried if you'd experienced any of that. Martin stepped closer and you held your fists up in defense.

"Back up. I don't know you, I don't trust you. I will take you up on that offer though. Only if there are other girls here." You decided.

"Yeah let's go introduce you to them." Martin led you out of the room and brought you to Aviva.

"Oh, Hey! I'm Aviva. What's your name?" she asked. You smiled nervously and shook her outstretched hand.

"(Y/N), (L/N)." You said.

"Wait, were you that girl that was in Gourmand's truck?" Aviva asked.

"Um... yes but that doesn't matter he was... mean." You said softly. You held yourself and turned away. Aviva scanned your eyes and gave a small understanding nod and patted your shoulder.

"Hey I'm Koki. You?" She greeted.

"(Y/N), (L/N)." You answered with a small smile. "Who's that?" You asked. You pointed at an orange haired man. He was dancing in a weird way.

Koki gave you an apologetic smile. "He's Jimmy. He's our pilot and teleporter." You nodded. "How about you, Aviva and I go to a spa near here to loosen up. We'll be back in about 35 minutes."

"Why the hell not." You shrugged.

(PT. 2 coming soon)

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