Ch. Four: Hypothermia; Aviva & Martin x Timid Reader

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IB: SabyFangirl @SabyGirly_ST *check her out* 

TW: Hypothermia (obviously)

On a stormy winter day, the crew was in Canada. You guys were flying in the middle of a blizzard and everyone was stir crazy. Martin was playing his guitar, Chris was reading, Aviva was doing something in her corner, *you weren't quite sure*Jimmy was rummaging in his fridge for something else to eat, Koki was tracking the storm, and you were tinkering with medicines. The six of you hadn't been outside in about a week and that made the brothers irritable.

"Hey Martin, Can you quiet down? I can't figure out this math problem." You asked gently.

"No." He snapped. You were honestly more taken aback than anything, but you snapped your mouth shut and turned around and just looked it up.

"Ahh, yes that makes sense." You mumbled. Martin heard your mumble and immediately jumped to a conclusion.

"What did you say about me?" He asked harshly. You flinched and pressure built behind your eyes.

"I-I didn't say anything about you." you said softly. A few tears slipped down your face, and you quietly exited the room. You sat in the garage and curled up into a ball and cried. You didn't know how long you had been crying in the garage but all of a sudden you felt excruciatingly cold. You opened your eyes and realized you were falling from the sky. You screamed as you hit the ground. When you hit you rolled for a bit but when friction stopped you, you slowly stood up. As soon as you were on your feet you sunk down to your waist.

"Shit shit shit!!!" You exclaimed. You were a medic and you knew far too well that your chances of dying of hypothermia were stupid high. You were in shorts and had a thin sweater on but you spotted a small shelter about half a mile off. You slowly trudged over to the tiny shelter. You felt so so weak and oh so cold. You finally reached the shelter and crawled inside. You curled into a ball, keeping your hood on, curled your hands into fists and tucked your hands under your stomach.

In the cold winter you knew your chances of surviving were low and you already knew you were hypothermic. You were only in the beginning stages, but it'd only be so long until you got frostbite. You were unsure of the amount of time that passed before you heard the crunching of snow.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Where are you?!" You heard the voice of someone you love yell. "Please, Where are you!?"

You let out a feeble moan and then you heard a relieved sigh and felt warm hands pick you up. You soon passed out due to exhaustion and hypothermia. Time seemed to pass slowly. Martin and Aviva sat by your side; they lost all sense of time and just stared at your nearly lifeless form. Koki deduced that you didn't have frostbite, surprisingly so, but you had severe hypothermia.

About 60 hours (2 ½ days) after the crew found you, you woke up and groaned at the light in the room. You slowly sat up and wiggled out of the blanket burrito you were wrapped in. You got out of bed and stretched. Grabbing a thick sweater you pulled it over your head and pulled on your sweatpants. You also wrapped a scarf around your neck and pulled some fluffy socks and boots on. You wandered into the HQ and looked for your gloves and you heard someone call your name.

"(Y/N)?" You turned to face the voice and saw a puffy eyed Martin.

"Martin." You said. "What happened? I'm so cold, where are my gloves?"

"Oh, (Y/N)." Martin breathed. He pulled you into a tight embrace and put his gloves on your hands. "We- I was so worried. We found you in a little hut in the deep snow and you had hypothermia and you were so so cold. I'm so so so sorry." He squeezed you tightly and kissed your forehead. You blushed.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" you heard Aviva exclaim she ran over to you and hugged you from behind. "I was so worried for you." She mumbled. She kissed your cheek and then rested her head on your shoulder.

"I love you two." You sighed contently.

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