Harvey x F! Reckless Reader :(

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You were walking home from the bus stop after a long day in the Skull Caverns. The injuries you acquired were a broken arm, a huge gash on the side of your leg, a smaller gash on the side of your face, and several cuts and bruises. They hurt, but that's not what you were worried about. You were worried about what Harvey would think. He was mad at you the last time you went to the Mines and the Skull Caverns are far more dangerous than them. Even though you know he doesn't like it and is just worried about you, you need to explore the mines for not only yourself, but Mr. Qi and Clint.

When you finally made it home, it was well past midnight. Harvey wouldn't be awake. You patched yourself up as best you could and passed out in the bathroom.

The next morning, you woke up to a shout. You flinched so hard that you tumbled out of sleep and onto the floor.

"(Y/N)! I told you to not go to the mines!" Harvey yelled.

"And I told you that I need to! How do you think I make us money?!" You shot back. You stood up shakily and held your broken arm carefully. "You don't make enough, so I have to compensate for that! I'm feeding two mouths now, plus my dog, and all my livestock!"

"You don't have to risk your life! If I need to take more patients, then I can!" He exclaimed.

Your eyes narrowed and you flung your good arm up. "You already care for almost 30 people! You just don't charge enough!"

"You broke your arm?!" He asked worriedly. "That's not worth it!"

"I'm fine! Stop coddling me! It just needs about a week of rest and then I'll be fine to use it again. I'll use that time to work on my farm. I only need one hand to harvest, water, pet, and feed. It's not the end of the world." You said firmly, cold, quiet anger rising.

Harvey looked mildly hurt that you had prepared almost half a speech's worth of evidence against his argument. That only meant he'd gotten mad at you so many times that you felt the need to mentally prepare for any and all future conversations.

"I work for you. I work for us. Let me do my work." You seethed quietly. You limped past him and started to tend to your farm. Feeding animals and watering plants always calmed you down whenever you got in an argument with anyone. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes once you heard Harvey crying softly inside as soon as you shut the door, but you ignored the burning pain in your chest that told you this wasn't going to work out.

After you finished watering and whatnot, you walked back inside. Harvey wasn't there, but you shrugged, thinking he was at work.

Hours later you started to get worried. He was usually back by now. Since you were worried, you called Mayor Lewis.

"Hey, Lewis, have you seen Harvey?" You asked.

"No, sorry (Y/N), not since he left his clinic." Lewis answered. "I'll keep an eye out for him okay?"

"Okay. We just got in a fight, so, if you see him, can you tell him to come home? I want to apologize." You asked.

"Of course! Anyways, I have to go, I hope you find him." Lewis encouraged. You agreed and hung up.

Since you were too worried to stay put, you wandered around town, looking for him while also distracting yourself.

"HARVEY!?" You yelled worriedly. "WHERE ARE YOU?" You bent over and coughed. Feeling a hand on your back, you flinched and turned around. It was Shane. You'd helped him through everything and became close friends with him.

"(Y/N)? What's going on?" He asked. He crouched to meet your eye level and wiped water and tears off your face.

"H-harvey left for work and didn't come back. He gets off at three!" You hiccuped. It was currently 7:30 P.M. Shane hugged you and picked you up on his back.

"Let's look for him together." He suggested with a small smile.

You leaned your head against his shoulder and mumbled, 'Okay' into his shoulder. Shane was like a father figure to you. After you helped him through his shit, he helped you through your self doubt and workaholic behavior. He carried you around and the only place you hadn't looked was the mountains.

You got off his back and ran to the mountains from the community center. You sprinted there as fast as your legs would carry you.

"Abigail!" You yelled. She turned to face you and you panted heavily for a bit before explaining the situation and asking her to help you search the mines. She agreed and you turned to Shane. "Shane, can you look near the spa or Quarry? We'll look in the Quarry mines, but I need you to look around there and up near the spa."

"Okay, I will." He nodded and started towards the spa area. You and Abigail descended into the mines. Since she didn't like killing, you let her look for the ladder and you fought off enemies, but you still had her keep her sword on her, just in case.

"Floor 45." You sighed. "And no sign of him. It's already midnight. Let's go back, Abigail. We'll see if Shane had any luck." Abigail nodded and you two took the elevator up to meet Shane by the Mountain Lake.

"Did you guys find him?" He asked.

"No!" You cried. "For all we know he's out dead laying in the middle of nowhere and it's all my fault!" You broke down sobbing, dropping your obsidian edge next to you and crumpling like a piece of paper. "If I wasn't such a paranoid workaholic, we wouldn't be here right now!"

Abigail bent to your height and pulled you into a hug. You both were slightly bloody, minor injuries, small cuts, bites, and bruises. Nothing too serious. Shane bent down and hugged you too.

They both whispered sweet nothings into your ears to calm you down and by the time 1:00 AM hit, you calmed down enough to pass out.

"Abigail, you should go home, I'll let you know how she is tomorrow, besides, her farm is on the way to my house." Shane said.

"Okay." Abigail agreed. She didn't want to leave you like this, but she knew her parents would be mad if she didn't go home. Abigail went home begrudgingly and Shane carried you home. He stayed with you so you wouldn't be alone and confused when you woke up.

The next morning you woke up earlier than normal and woke Shane up.

"Shane, get up." You shook him and he woke up with a grunt. You told him to get dressed and made breakfast for the both of you.

Pt. 2 imminent

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