Sidlink: Stress and Tears

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Link was super stressed. Why? Because he was tasked with fighting a lynel that had suddenly appeared on Mount Ploymus. It was a silver-maned, savage, crusher lynel too, so it was his first time fighting one.

Sidon was also stressed. Why? Because he is now king (let's just pretend that Yona's not here) and he has a shit ton of responsibility now. So~ this led to an altercation between him and Link.

"No, Link! I can't cater to your every wish! I have shit to do!" Sidon shouted. 

"I just wanted to cuddle." Link muttered. "I'm scared." 

"God, you're so clingy! It's just a lynel! You've fought them before. You'll be fine." 

"'Just a lynel.' He says." Link mocked sourly. "Yeah, just a fucking silver, savage, crusher, mace lynel! One I've never fought before! I'll be fine my ass." 

"Just go, Link! Get out! You clingy, self absorbed, asshole!" Sidon yelled.

"Your the one telling me to throw my life away at the expense of a few cowards who's sorry asses can't do it themselves! I'm your goddamned boyfriend!" Link shouted, slamming the door behind him. Link gathered the supplies he'd need for his fight angrily. He ignored the calls from anyone trying to talk to him and headed to the mountaintop to fight the lynel.

He took his barely restrained fury out on the lynel and beat the vile creature in less than an hour. Not without injury though. Link didn't break any bones, but he had a small cut on his cheek and a gash on his left calf.  Still filled with boiling anger, Link sat down hard at the base of a tree and cried.

Sidon was upset. Not at Link though. He was mad at himself and the amount of paperwork he had to do, and he took it out on his beloved Link. Sidon desperately wanted to apologize, but he knew that Link needed more time to cool down. Sidon waited and waited for Link to come back but he never did. It was nearing sunset and the sky was crying harder than normal.  Sidon was getting worried so he went to the mountaintop and found link soaked, crying and poorly bandaged. 

"Link?" Sidon asked gently. "C'mon we have to get you back so you don't get sick."

"Huh?" Link exclaimed. He sat up fully and looked around wildly. When he finaly spotted sidon, he glared weakly at him, almost crying.

"What do you want?" Link snapped, voice wobbly. 

"For you to come back, so you don't get sick." Sidon paused. "I'm sorry. I was wrong. I shouldn't've yelled at you." 

Link launched into Sidon's embrace, crying onto his shoulder, mumbling apologies and grievances and worries. Sidon held him tight and carried him back to their shared room and helped him dry off and get dressed. Sidon held Link close to keep him warm and Link gladly accepted his warmth.

Reconciliation was in order the next day. Sidon did pretty much anything Link asked. Which, unsurprisingly wasn't much, but Sidon took the day off to spend with Link.

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