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Octonauts x mad reader.

TW: Anger issues. (don't know why it's a warning but I thought 'Fuck it' and added it anyway.)

It was an accident. You were caught in the crossfire. But~ you were livid. What happened was a book was thrown at Kwazii and hit you instead and when you turned in the direction of where the book was thrown, you saw an already nervous Shellington.

You glared at him and he shrunk back. "What. The. Fuck?" You hissed.

"Shellington you fucked up big time." Kwazii mumbled. Shellington rolled his eyes.

"I know that!" He shot back quietly. You stalked closer and cracked your knuckles,


You left a bright red bruise on Shellington's face. He was stunned and lowkey shocked that you just glared at him, shook your hand and left. Right as you left the captain came into the HQ and was shocked at the bruise on Shellington's face.

"Shellington are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"I don't even know." Shel replied. "I threw a book at Kwazii and accidentally hit (Y/N) and rightfully they got mad. Their choice of action was to hit me instead of saying anything."

"T'was a solid smack too cap'in." Kwazii said. "M'like not even mad they slapped him, matey."

"I'll go talk to them." CB said. He and Shellington made their way to your room and knocked on the door. "(Y/N), um, I have something to discuss with you."

You opened the door and smirked proudly at Shellington's face before answering. "'Sup?" you asked. There was obvious pride on your face and there was no trace of regret in your eyes. The captain sighed because he knew that he wasn't gonna get an apology out of you. He was well aware of the fact that you almost never regret your actions and he was sometimes in awe about that fact but right now he was more exasperated than anything. Your tail swished slowly in anticipation.

"I know that you were just retaliating but this is the third time you've hit someone this week." CB said.

"Well considering the fact that you said my attacks were out of retaliation shouldn't you be consulting Kwazii and Shellington? I was pretend fighting with Tweak and I didn't actually hit her that hard and she hit me plenty harder. But again we were play fighting."

Captain sighed. Honestly? He knew you were right but in this case it was an accident. You were leaning against the wall and had your arms crossed, with a smirk plastered against your features. Your usually bubbly attitude was nowhere to be seen and now you were cunning and proud. And if I'm totally honest with you there was a certain orange cat who thought you were extremely attractive when you had your sassy mode activated.

"It was an accident. I'm sorry." Shellington said. Your smirk evened out into a proud smile and you nodded.

"I accept your apology, and while I don't regret my actions I will apologize for hitting you." you said.

"I accept your apology too." Shel said.

You smiled and patted his shoulder. "Good, see ya!" you marched by him, letting your door close behind you, and made your way to the kitchen.

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