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Sasuke's pov
9:26 pm

I've been here, almost twelve hours... Fuck. It was night. I made no progress. I have no where to go. No clothes, nothing. But I couldn't stay at the library. So I left. I was honestly wandering around for a while. I was homeless now, I guess. Where were the neighborhoods? Were these people nice...? Oh no. What if I get kidnapped?!?

My senses were on 110%, I was hyper focused on every little noise around me. This was miserable. I tried to stay on the streets with high traffic and lots of lighting; Criminal Minds say that makes me "low risk". But I was currently homeless, that's added points on high risk. Also a teenager, and really feminine, what if I was mistaken for a girl!? Alone females at night were extremely high risk.

I did the math for a while. Alone: +2 , Feminine: +1 , Confused/New to town +3 , high traffic/ lights : -2 , no source of communication: +3 , not too late at night: -2

So... odds weren't in my favor. There were too many noises going around, too many things that could happen, my heart was beating too fast. My eyes were burning from my lack of blinking. I was scared that if I were to blink, something could happen in those milliseconds it took to open them up again. I tried to walk fast, but where would I even walk to—stores hate loiterers, and I didn't even know where any were.

So I just kept walking, I don't know for how long, but I saw a couple of fights in some alleys. Would I have to sleep in one??? Oh Please god, no. Dark alleys were like plus seventeen points!!! I was still running on adrenaline, I don't think everything had set in. I was obviously upset about everything, and wanted to cry, but none of it felt real, y'know?? I can't comprehend that my mother would actually do this to me. Absolutely was not true.

But as I was saying, I kept walking, until I noticed someone following me! I was a little nervous, as I should be, but there was no guarantee that I specifically was being followed. So I made a couple of turns, to check.

Sure enough, I saw someone ducking into the shadows or around the corner every time I peeked over my shoulder. I was screwed. I can't get kidnapped. What would happen to me!? Would I be trafficked? Or, put in an underground fight ring?? I can't fight!! I'll totally get beat up!!

I took off, not running, but speed walking very fast, borderline running. I had no clue where I was but I did decide to only turn onto main streets with more lights than others, and after a while, I felt secure enough to slow down.

I looked around, checking just to make sure. I noticed some other people in the area, but no one suspicious. Should I report this to the police?? Where even was the police station? I didn't even get a good enough look at them to be able to make a claim. Maybe I could ask them for a ride back to my house, but that means that I'd have to tell them about my mom, which was bad, bad, bad.

I tried to remember where I was, how many turns I took, so I could get back to the orphanage, so I could ask for directions again, but amongst the anxiety, I lost track. I'll admit, I'll was still on edge, I could feel like hair on my neck standing up. There was a thunk, I turned.


Nothing more than a cat knocking over a trash can. A cat!!

I called it over to no avail. So I crouched down and tried again, clicking my tongue and rubbing my fingers together. It started working!!! The cat, which looked calico, started coming over. I loved cats, but my mom was allergic so I could never get one. I might be able to get one now, since she abandoned me. Could I be considered a runaway? Or would I be able to be emancipated? I didn't want to live alone, that was scary.

The cat started walking away so I followed it, just wanting to pet it really. Only once. I don't think I've ever pet a cat, but I love them so much!! No one I know has one, sadly. But now I had my opportunity, but in the same moment I reached out to finally pet the little kitty, someone went and tapped me. Freak, I forgot why I was so scared. And by coming down this alley, I added about 6 points.

I screamed, turned around, and started hitting whoever it was. That didn't stop them from trying to grab me. So I kicked, and screamed, and hit more until they finally backed up. I started crying and tried to run. My heart was, close to out of my chest. I could hear it in my eardrums. I didn't get far, they started calling after me. Not my name, not quite, but they just yelled for me to stop, that they weren't trying to hurt me. Did I stop? No. Absolutely not. I hit the dash, flying out of the alley and around the corner.

But just my freaking luck, I bumped into someone, at this time of night!! The person behind me caught up and the person in front of me was asking if I was okay. I just wanted to run, but I knew they'd probably follow. They started talking and I realized one of them was a woman— the one who was chasing me.

In the show, there were female offenders, I guess I was a victim. Was this guy her partner?! The first 24 hours of an abduction were crucial, and since I'm guessing no one even knows I'm gone, my chances have reduced to zero!! Im absolutely dead.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't realize that their conversation had ended. So I tried to run, but she grabbed my wrist, freak.

"I promise I'm not going to hurt you. Do you want to go get something to eat? Or drink? So we can talk. I promise I won't do anything, I just want to talk. You can leave immediately after." I finally got a look at her. She was about my height, a little shorter, black hair and eyes, straight hair pinned back in a bun, casual clothes. She didn't seem all that intimidating, I could probably run if I needed, and I needed to eat, and maybe use a phone so I could call my mom, try and talk her down from this decision.


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