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Sasuke's pov

There was nothing going through my mind right now, I'll admit. Me wanting to kiss Naruto was nothing more than me honestly wanting to try kissing, but I will say that I was jealous. Of whom? Sakura and Ino, Hinata and Kiba, Naruto's parents, every Disney movie ever created.

I wanted a Prince Charming who would come steal me away from everything troubling me. But at the moment, all I wanted was to try it with Naruto. This, surprisingly, was also something me and Sakura talked about last night.

"Sasuke, you're gonna kill me. I swear to God, you're gonna kill me." He was being really dramatic. I didn't think it was this much of a deal. If he didn't want to kiss me, he could've just said so and I would have been okay with it. I think this is kind of overkill. It hurts.

"So, no?" He looked at me and without a break in his voice he said, "No, fuck, the furthest thing from no, Sasuke." I'm confused, he says No but then the furthest thing from no? Is that a yes or a no? "Does that mean no?", I asked. I wanted an answer. He was being really mean about this. Is he not the one who said I could ask him for anything, and he'd be happy to help?

"Sasuke, baby, please let me kiss you..." His words were more pants, and his eyes were so low I'd almost assumed they were shut. This... was a different side to Naruto. Definitely one he hadn't shown me before. It made me scared, but like, my skin was on fire, and I could hear my heart beating in my ears. I smiled, I'm not sure how it looked but I could feel that it was an awkward one.

"How do I... I don't know how to kiss." "I'll teach you, it's okay. We're just kissing, Pretty." He was smiling now, ear to ear like a crazed man. His fingers went back to my lips. I noticed this earlier, and it made me feel, weird, so I stopped it. It still made me feel weird, but I wanted to feel like that right now. His thumb brushed my lips and his eyes, although I thought they couldn't, got lower.

"Do you remember how Camilla kissed you?" Once again referring to Cameron. In all honesty though, it was such a fleeting moment that I really don't remember it. I don't remember him kissing me, or how it felt, but I definitely remember it happening and the brush of his lips against mine.

I shook my head no.

He smiled. "Good, forget everything about him. Forget it ever happened. The only thing that matters is what I am gonna teach you, yeah?" I nodded and he smiled again. "What you want really isn't that difficult. I would say like how you do my hand or my cheek, but in all honesty, you just pressed your lips against my skin. Poke your lips out a little more. When relaxed, your lips can rest against the skin, not flat, but just touching, and then to kiss just close the gap." He took my hand is kissed it in a slower, more demonstrating manner. Even when he talked in between steps, he kept his lips on my skin, and that made me feel weird.

"I think I get it. Can we try?" "Are you sure you want to?" "Positive." He only smiled while shaking his head. "Always so eager. I'll stay here and when you're ready, come and kiss me, okay?" Another nod.

I expected him to close his eyes, but he didn't. He acted like they were, but after seeing how low his eyes could go and him still have the ability to see, I knew he was lying. Regardless, I took a deep breath to still my thumping heart and gradually moved forward. I, admittedly, did not close my eyes, I didn't know you had to. Plus, what if I missed his lips. That would have been a death sentence.

Eventually, after much back and forth, my lips came to be touching his, and i exhaled onto his mouth. I only didn't do it yet because Naruto had his eyes wide open staring at me. Well, not wide, but mostly wide. Wider than they were previously. He turned his head and closed his eyes, and I recognized what he was doing as a proper kiss. I, being the inexperienced one in this situation, mimicked him, turning my head and kissing back.

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