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Sasuke's pov

Naruto and I had just been laughing, watching shows, and eating food, and it was really great to take my mind off of things until I got a call from Sakura, reminding me that I was supposed to be coming over soon.

The two of us were on his bed laying down side by side watching a show that I couldn't remember the name of. I didn't even realize how close we were laying, I was too caught up in the serenity of it all. Naruto made me feel so normal and seen, I loved it.

I sighed and told Naruto I had to leave soon as school had gotten out forty minutes ago and Sakura was expecting me soon.

He huffed, "Yeah, I figured it was about that time... Just a while longer, she can wait." I nodded with a smile, laying on his shoulder, "You make me so happy Naruto. I'm really glad we're friends. And, I got to come over today!!"

"Mmm, you did! Are you glad??", he asked, matching my energy as always. "I am, I'm really glad I got to meet your mom, and see your room, and try new things, and just everything." Naruto was looking at me but wouldn't stop smiling, more than me.

"Well, I'm glad I make you happy Sasuke, and I'm glad you could experience all of those things with me. I hope you can come over in the future under better circumstances," he told me. I felt his fingers brush against my hand and I, hopefully not noticeably, tensed up.

"I'll take you to her house soon, can we just stay like this?", he asked, this time looking me in the eyes. I wanted to look away. Naruto was intimidating... like Cameron, but not in a bad way like him. But I couldn't take my eyes off of his. They were so pretty.

"Sasuke, close your eyes."

I shut them without a second thought or even asking why. But then I did give it a second thought.

"Why?", i voiced my thoughts.

He let out a shaky exhale, "I don't wanna do something I'll regret."

What'd he mean by that? Something he'll regret? Like what? Does he regret having me over? Being friends with me? Meeting me??

"Well, I won't regret it, not a single bit. But I might regret the consequences," he clarified as if reading my mind. "Because there's no way in hell I would ever regret that."

What is he talking about???

Naruto pulled me against his chest and exhaled, "I'm sorry if I'm doing too much, if I am, please let me know and I'll stop." I wrapped my arms around him and got closer, "You're not. I like it."

And it was the truth. I did like it. I like how he smelled. I like how safe he made me feel. I like how big his arms were. I like how I could hear his heart beat faster every time I talked. I wonder if the two are related? Probably not.

After what seemed like eternity, Naruto hugged me tighter than before for a minute and then let go. He looked at me sadly and I understood what was happening. "I'm sorry I have to leave. I know my mom said she didn't care where I spent the night, but it was a lie," I apologized. If I could, I would easily spend the night here, no questions asked.

"I know, and it's okay, you don't have to apologize for something you can't control. I just don't wanna see you go. But you must. Alright, let's get up before I never let you leave. I'll give you some clothes I can't fit anymore if you want them." As he pulled back and got off the bed a wave of chills rushed over me and I wished he was back keeping me warm.

He got up and went to his dresser, opening drawers and pulling out a couple shirts. "We don't wear the same type of pants so I can't give you any, but you wear baggier shirts sometimes so you can just layer them if you want. Or like... wear them to sleep.." I could see his ears turn pink as he said that. I wonder why...

He brought them over to the bed and showed them to me. They were honestly cute. I mean, my definition of cute. I had a couple outfits planned out already just looking at them. And I would probably go to sleep in them too. But either way, I liked them.

As Naruto smoothed out the shirts on the bed I put my hand over his and I felt him flinch a little, maybe in surprise. I looked at him and smiled, "Thank you Naruto. For everything. And thank you for the clothes, and the food, and just being there for me all the time."

He turned his head away and I could see his face turn red, "You don't have to thank me..." "No I do. You do so much for me and I never give anything back. Thank you."

"You being with me is enough for me. You don't have to do anything else other than talk to me every day, I told you that no?", he put his hand over mine.

I brushed off what he said and thanked him again. He folded the shirts and put them in the Walmart bag with the rest of my new stuff. I got up and went to put my shoes on, afterwards I surprised Naruto with a hug from behind. He tried to turn but I held tighter.

"What's wrong?", he finally asked. "Nothing, just wanna be with you..." I admitted. Don't get me wrong I love Sakura and everything but the last thing I wanted to do was leave. But I knew I must.

Downstairs, I was wondering why everyone was saying goodbye to me and hugging me as if they weren't coming along. Regardless of that, I hugged them back and thanked them for letting me stay. Kushina was the most important person I had to thank today. Not only because I ruined a good shirt of her with my tears, but because of everything else. Giving birth to Naruto, having him switch schools, letting him talk to me, being so welcoming and caring with me, consoling me when I was crying my eyes out hyperventilating.

I'll admit, I started crying again when I hugged her. Only a little, but enough for her to notice.

"Don't cry Sasuke, it's okay," she looked at me and wiped my eyes. "What if I never get to see you guys again?", I voiced my concerns. She shook her head and smiled, "Impossible. I'll just come kidnap you if that ever happens. You're too cute to live without now." I sniffled, "You promise?" She hugged me again and the warmth engulfed me and all my worries washed away. "I promise." And for some reason, I believed it. I believed it with every fiber in my being.

I took a deep breath and dried my eyes, "Okay. I have to go." "Yeah, I know," she smiled. "Alright, come on," I told her. "I'm not going?" She told me.

"So who's taking me? Or do I have to walk? Or catch an Uber? Or, I can ask my friend, she told me it-" She interrupted my sentence, "I would never have you walk, or catch an Uber. I don't even do that to my own kids unless they want to or absolutely have to. And you don't have to ask your friend either—Naruto's taking you."


Yayyyy another chapter !!!

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