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Sasuke's pov

"We don't have to go if you're not comfortable with it. Just because you said you want to doesn't mean you can't change your mind. You can always change your mind, Sasuke, for anything, just let me know." I nodded, "No, I wanna go."

3:49 am

Andddd we're here. And I'm scared. And excited. There's so many emotions I feel. The house is a little brown duplex, there's a few cars outside, some of which I assume to be Naruto's friends. But we weren't inside yet. Or, out the car. We were... in the backseat again— my fault, not his. I'll admit I'd been hinting at it for a while, but I didn't say anything until we were almost about to pull up.

So now I was on his lap again, his hands on my thighs, pulling me closer as I was kissing more on his neck. "Sas, you can't keep doing this, my mom already yelled at me for it," he said through some laughs. I could feel his Adam apple vibrate when he did that. I started kissing on it. I wanna give him more "hickeys". I don't want Kushina to yell at him though.

I started to suck a little and he hummed. "Not there, baby, you can't." I pulled back and looked at him, "I wanna..." Naruto laughed, laying his head on the window. He pushed me back a little and smiled at me when he saw the confused look on my face. Once again I don't think I make faces, maybe he's just good at reading me— I wouldn't be surprised.

But I know good and well that there was a look on my face when he lifted his shirt up to his chest. "This good enough for you, baby?" He's so pretty. He's so pretty. But I couldn't reach like this. "Have to go down." His eyes widened a little bit before relaxing.

"Do you want me to lay down?" I nodded and got up so he could move. He sat up, scooted back, and took off his shirt, throwing it on the floor and laying down, propping his hand behind his head. Naruto was more than six feet tall and he was laid in the back of this car, I can tell that he was uncomfortable but he didn't say anything. He's always so sweet.

I'll be honest, I was feeling him up. He just felt so nice. Like, so perfect and just... right. That's what it is. Naruto always felt so right, like this was supposed to be happening and everything was perfect.

I dipped my head down— he smelled good, so, I kinda licked him. He looked down at me and I looked back, still touching on his chest. "Don't look at me like that, please," he covered his face with his other hand. Cute.

I started kissing his chest, squeezing them more so I could kiss and suck on them. I pulled back and looked at him, putting both hands on his chest. "Are they always this big?" He flexed a little and they got bigger. I swatted him. "No, I have a pump." I furrowed my eyebrows. "I worked out earlier." "Oh, I see." "I don't usually work chest but I try to every now and again, but it's more so because I've been cutting. I might bulk again this winter, I did last year, but I don't know if I should. What do you think?"

What do I think of what?? I don't know what he's talking about. As Sakura says, what is bro yapping about. Well, she usually says that about Kiba, the teacher, or sometimes me, she said it just means talking a lot nonstop. "Bulking is gaining weight, cutting is what I'm doing now. I'll still have muscle, it might not be as defined, like my abs that you seem to be enjoying so much, but my muscles, specifically my arms, quads, and everything, they like get bigger, to put it into words you can understand."

I tilted my head.

"Okay, think of it like this. Bulk, big muscles, more weight, less abs. Cut, muscles, abs, less weight." "What about your chest?" "More weight, bigger chest." I smiled. Naruto's so pretty. "Do that then. I like this," I squeezed his chest and went down to kiss him.

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