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"Sakura heard it. Is it true?? Why aren't you in any AP classes now? Why don't you just go to college?? It'd be way easier?", He hoarded him with questions.

"Because, I don't want to do any of that. I don't want to be some kid who's 15 in college, do you know how embarrassing that is? I just want to be a teenager. That's why I stopped taking AP. I don't like doing that. Everyone always expects so much from me and it's annoying as hell. My parents didn't care, so I just stopped taking them. Besides, why would I go to college when you're not there?" "It'd help your future." "I already know what I'm going to do. I don't care about my future. I have everything figured out, Sasuke, it's fine."


"Okay... are you mad now?" "Why would I be mad?" Sasuke shrugged, "Because I asked about it?" "No, I'm not mad." "Are you sure? I'm sorry..." "Sasuke, I'm not mad." "Hm..."

Naruto sighed, "Why do you think I'm mad?" "I don't know... you just seem annoyed, and you haven't been talking as much..." "I just like hearing you talk. I'm not mad, at you—pretty much never gonna happen." "I don't believe you," he muttered. "Why would I get mad at you?", Naruto hummed. "What if you were in a bad mood and I kept talking and you were like: "Shut the freak up Sasuke, you're so annoying, I don't want to be friends anymore". Then you'd be mad at me and I'd probably cry about it."

"Okay, 1) that would absolutely never happen. 2) that doesn't mean I'm mad at you, it means I'm annoyed with someone else and you just so happened to be there. 3) that would never happen." "But like, if it did, then you'd be mad at me." "Sasuke," Naruto stared at him. "What...?", he looked away. "I will never get mad at you," he tried to explain for the last time. "Fine. I'll drop it. Have you eaten today?", he asked.

"Yeah, I had breakfast," Naruto told him, laying his head on the wall, his arms around Sasuke. "No way, me too, what'd you eat?" "Breakfast burrito with chorizo, bacon, eggs, and potatoes that my mom made me and my siblings." "Oh... I had cereal. Was it good?" "Mhm." "That's good... am I annoying you?" "Not in the slightest, why?" "You just seem... I don't know, never mind." "Mm-mm. You don't get to do that. I seem what?"

"Like I said, I don't know. You just seem, not you, or the you that you are around me." "Mmm, I'm tired." "Go to sleep." He shook his head no, "I'd rather talk to you." "We have free period, go to sleep. It's fine." "No, I want to talk to you." "If that's the only reason then I'm gonna leave so you can sleep," Sasuke huffed. "What?" "Yeah. I'll be back free period." "I hope you know I'm not going to stay here if you leave," he looked at him apathetically.

"Where are you gonna go?", he mumbled. Naruto shrugged, "The library maybe." "Hm... alright. Cmon, I'll walk you there. I think Shikamaru is asleep in there too." "Hmm, you're really gonna leave me?" "Yes. You need to go to sleep. I will come find you free period," he got off of his lap and grabbed his hand.

Naruto groaned, "You're so mean." "I am not mean. I'm looking out for your well-being." "I don't care about my well-being." "Yeah, I know, that's why I do," Sasuke smiled at him.


"Alright, there's Shikamaru, go sit next to him." "Do you really have to leave?" "I will be back," he reassured him. "I'm probably not even gonna go to sleep." "Try. Try your hardest." "Fine. Go hang out with your friends and ditch me," he complained as he sat down. "I'm not ditching you. Stop trying to guilt trip me." "Worth a try." "I'll see you later, bye." "Bye," he grumbled.


Sasuke sat down next to Sakura and they all stared at him.


"What?", he looked at them. "What do you mean, what? Where'd you come from?" "Library," he said confusedly. "Mmh... nice of you to finally join us," Ino rolled her eyes playfully. "Be quiet. I'm here, aren't I?" "Whatever, what do you have today? We've been starving without you," Hinata laughed.

Under the Staircase {NaruSasu}Where stories live. Discover now