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4:38 am
With Naruto
Naruto's pov

I really didn't want to go inside. Don't get me wrong, I was tired, but if my neck was as bad as Sakura made it out to be, my mom was gonna kill me. Well not kill me, but she'd yell at me for a long, long time. She was probably watching tv right now waiting for me to come back so she could investigate. She would probably blame this on me. Wasn't my fault.

I could hear her now. "¿Qué es ese Naruto? ¿Te comió? ¿Y él? ¿Te le comiste también? No tengo otra opción, dame tus llaves. Ahora!!" Or she'd go the other way and be like, "Naruto. Eres un león. ¿Y Sasuke? Pobrecito, le extraño y quiero verlo".

(I could hear her now. "What is that Naruto? Did he eat you? What about him? Did you eat him too? I have no other choice, give me your keys. Now!!" Or she'd go the other way and be like, "Naruto. You are a lion. What about Sasuke? Poor thing, I miss him and I want to see him.")

*te como is a joke I have with my boyfriend and I wanted to put it in here with everything!"

I shook my head. I couldn't stay out here forever, so I turned off the car and went inside. I did have a hood on, but I'm pretty sure it didn't cover my neck, so that option was kind of off the table. My mom wasn't in the living room but I could feel her presence in the vicinity, watching... waiting.

But I would deal with that later. I have my freedom now so I'm taking it. I grabbed a quick snack from the kitchen and went to my room before she returned from wherever she was and caught me.

I surprisingly made it all the way to my room, shut the door, and got to lay down without her popping up and scaring me. I had ended up taking my shirt off, I hated sleeping with clothes on, and mindlessly scrolled through social medias. I was watching people's stories when I seen Sakura's account. She had reposted something that her friend posted— them in the kitchen baking together and watching movies, I guess that's what they did when I was with Sasuke.

I went to her account and snooped around; it's only fair, she did it to me. But I was just looking for signs of Sasuke on any of their accounts— Hinata's, the blonds, or Sakura's. I did end up catching some stray signs of him in their pictures and videos together, but he was either scribbled out or avoided entirely in all the things posted, probably due to his mom.

Fuck. I still hadn't looked at my neck, and I was way too tired to now. I guess I will in the morning, I can wait that long. I can't believe Sasuke did all that. Fuck, he was so pretty. The image of him crying and telling me he—

I sat up.

Sasuke said he likes me. Sasuke, said that he likes, me. Well not directly, but he definitely said it. Fuck, I didn't want to make him uncomfortable so I didn't really say anything at the time, but fuck. The reaction I had was justified, I guess enough that it's happening again. I look down at my growing erection and laid back down, groaning. I was too tired for this. I didn't want to shower again, or go on another run, or end up jacking off thinking about him while the memories were fresh.

I just wanted to go to sleep but it was getting so uncomfortable, but I had standards, and a moral compass, so I refrained. I'll admit, I have... done things, thinking about Sasuke, but I reprimanded myself and swore to keep those things to a minimum. I would be fine. Just have to sleep it off...

Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep.

Great, now that damn song from Shark Boy and Lava Girl is stuck in my damn head. I turned over and got the melatonin pills from my dresser— that's my kind of vibe, what else should I try, Lester? Dammit stop getting distracted, just go to sleep—taking a couple with some water. Then I just stared at the ceiling until I blinked and my eyes didn't open again.

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