Harry Seizure at Gucci Photoshoot

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Moved from 1D | I'll Always Be Here

Louis's POV
"Isn't that your phone?" Simon asked as it rang between acts on the x-factor.
"I think it is," I replied before I looked at who was calling.
"Who is it?"
"It's Harry," I said before I answered it. "Hey H, what's going on?"
"Who is this?" Came a stranger's voice.
"Who's this? You're not Harry."
"No. Something's happened and you're down as his emergency contact," As soon as they said this, my blood ran cold.
"What's happened? Is he ok?"
"He's having a seizure and we don't know what to do."
"Are you at the photoshoot?" I asked as I stood up. I knew that Harry was in Manchester for his latest Gucci photoshoot and I was only 4 blocks away from the studio where he was.
"Yeah. Do we need to call for an ambulance, or can you come over? He has epilepsy right?"
"He does, but it should be under control. Get him into the recovery position and start timing the seizure if you haven't done so already," I said as stood up and walked briskly out of the theatre before I hailed a taxi. I had also noted the other judges looks of worry and concern as I'd left. "He shouldn't need an ambulance, I'll be there in two minutes."
"Ok," They said before they hung up.
"Shit," I said as I threw the phone down onto the seat in the taxi. "54 Westfield Road," I told the driver after I realised I hadn't given him a destination.

Why was Harry seizing? Why had the person on the phone sounded so panicked? Why had they called for me and not an ambulance?

I had a bad feeling about this, which is why I had left the judging panel.
"Thank you," I said as we stopped and I gave the driver £20 before I jumped out. I ran up the stairs to the studio and found the receptionist. "Harry's having a seizure and you called me."
"Yes, right this way," She said and I followed her through the hallways.

My heart almost stopped when I saw Harry. He was on his back, right in the middle of grand-mal seizure and he was choking on his own saliva while people were just standing around watching.
"I told you to get him into the fucking recovery position!" I shouted as I knelt beside Harry and quickly turned him onto his size. He chocked and spluttered, but luckily all of the saliva came out of his mouth. "He could have choked!" I screamed at them as Harry jerked beneath me. "Get out. Everyone get the fuck out of here!" I screamed and they all left. "Harry baby. It's ok, I'm here. You're ok, you're doing great love. You're doing amazing," I told him calmly.
"Urgh, urgh," Harry groaned as the seizure continued.
"Alright love. You're ok, you're ok," I soothed him.
"Can I do anything to help?" Someone asked who hadn't left the room.
"Yeah, can you tell me how long he's been seizing for?"
"About 8 minutes."
"What's wrong?"
"He's never had a seizure that's lasted this long before."
"Should I call for an ambulance?"
"No, just give him a minute or two, something must have caused this," I said, and as if it was a cue, Harry stopped seizing. "Harry? Harry love, you're alright. I'm here. Can you get me something soft, like a pillow or a big jumper?" I asked the woman and she nodded.
"Yeah," She said before she rushed off.
"You did great baby. I know that thay was scary. Just come round for me when you can ok?" I soothed Harry. He was still shaking a little but I didn't worry too much as he'd just had a really bad seizure.
"Here," The woman said as she came back into the room and she handed me a blanket.
"That's amazing, thank you," I said as I took the blanket and put it underneath of Harry's head. "There we go, just relax honey."
"I was the one who called you," The woman continued.
"Oh, thank you. Why didn't you put him in the recovery position?"
"Everyone was scared and when he began choking his saliva up, we didn't know what to do," She said and I calmed myself so that I didn't hit her.
"That's ok. I know how scary it is," I replied to her gently. "I didn't mean to shout earlier."
"No. You were right, he could have choked," She said and Harry coughed, bringing my attention straight back to him.
"Harry? Harry love, I'm right here. It's Louis," I said as I took his hand.
"L... lll," Harry struggled to say.
"Shh, don't try to talk. You've just had a bad seizure ok, just relax. Can you get me some water?"
"Of course."
"I came straight from work baby. I left the theatre to be here beside you alright. It's ok, you're going to be ok," I told Harry as I ran my hand through his hair. The woman came back in with some water and I put it down beside me. "Did he fall or injure himself before he starting seizing?"
"No. He was fine and then he was on the floor."
"Ok. Harry, does anything hurt?"
"No," Harry whispered after a moment.
"That's good. Was was given anything? Any medication that could have messed with his normal dosage?"
"Not that I know of. Our trainer has him on a special diet, but that's just food."
"Lou," Harry whispered and he squeezed my hand.
"I'm right here love."
"I know baby, I know," I said before I kissed him. "Just relax. Could you call everyone else back in here please, I need to find out what caused his seizure." For the next few minutes, I stroked my hand through Harry's hair as she gathered everyone together.

When everyone was in the room, Harry was a little more with it, but not much. He was still shaking a little and I was starting to get worried about it. "Ok, I'll get right to the point. Has anyone messed with his medication?" I asked as I addressed the room.
"No," People said.
"Has anyone given him anything extra? Any new medications?"
"No," People murmured one after another.
"Yes," Someone put in and everyone turned to them. I became angry.
"What did you give him?"
"Something to help him get fitter. I didn't mean it to cause this."
"Are you the company trainer?"
"When did you give it to him?"
"I've given him a dose every day since he started with us."
"Harry didn't know. I didn't think it would have this effect on him."
"But you knew that he had epilepsy."
"Yes, but..."
"Either, you have nothing more to do with Harry or I'm forcing Harry to quit this gig, sound good?"
"No problem. I won't work with Harry anymore."
"Good. Now, Harry's coming home with me."
"Home?" Harry asked.
"Yes baby, my home," I said before my phone rang. It was Simon so I picked it up. "Hi Simon."
"Hi Louis. Is everything ok?"
"Yeah. Harry's just had a seizure and I'm with him now."
"Is he ok?"
"Yeah. He's doing alright, but it was quite a bad one. I won't be coming back in today I'm afraid."
"That's fine. As long as you're both ok, give Harry my best."
"I will. Bye."
"Home," Harry whispered again as he kept shaking.
"Yes baby, home," I said before I kissed him. "Are you doing ok? Can you stop shaking?"
"I can't..." Harry replied as he closed his eyes.
"Ok. We might have go past A&E on the way back then, just to check that you're ok."
"I've called for a taxi," A woman said.
"Great. Thank you."

"How are you doing love?" I asked Harry after a few minutes, and once I knew the taxi was outside.
"Sleepy," Harry replied. He was still shaking, and he didn't seem any more awake than before.
"Can you sit up? I want to give you some water," I said to persuade him and Harry started to move. "Ok, I've got you baby," I said before I wrapped my arms around him and sat him up.

When I let go, and despite his shaking, he managed to stay upright.
"That's amazing Harry, just take some small sips alright," I said as I raised the water to his mouth and he began drinking. "Enough?" I asked once he stopped and he nodded. "Ok. The taxi's here love so we're going to get in it ok? Nice and slow H," I told Harry before I gave him a hand to stand up and we walked slowly outside. "We're getting into the taxi and then you can sleep ok," I reassured Harry and moments after hs got in, he rested his head back and began to fall asleep once more. "I'm so proud of you baby," I said before I kissed him. "A&E please," I told the driver and he pulled away.

Harry's POV
I felt weird. Like, worse than a normal seizure kind of weird. I was still shaking in the hospital bed and Louis was holding my hand.
"Hmn," I whimpered and Louis kissed me.
"You're doing amazing Harry. Just relax babe."
"Why am I... shaking so much?"
"You've had a reaction to the chemicals in your blood stream. The doctor said that it should wear off, but we just have to wait."
"Ok..." I said as I tried to control the shaking. It wasn't of any use and I was exhausted. I rested back and Louis played with my hair.
"Are you doing ok otherwise?" Louis asked and I nodded. "Good."
"How's... How's little Freddie?"
"Oh, he's amazing, you're going to love him. He called me dad the other day and it was just the cutest thing."
"I love being a dad H. I'm going to get back with Eleanor too, give it another shot."
"But... what about me?" I asked as tears formed in my eyes. I'd just got back with Louis and now he wanted to be with Eleanor.
"What about you?" Louis asked before he kissed me.
"Don't you... love me?" I asked and he smiled a little before he squeezed my hand.
"I love you more than anything in the world Harry. But I also love Freddie and Eleanor. I want you to be with me, always. And I can't wait for you to meet Freddie."
"When do I get to meet him?"
"That's a surprise," Louis said before he kissed me. "I love you H."
"I love you too," I said before he hugged me.
"You're my rock Harold. If a little shaky," Louis said and I laughed. "You're always there when I need you. Especially over the last two years, and I will never, ever, forget it."
"I'm here to save you from all of the sharks."
"Yeah," Louis said and we just waited together until my shaking died down enough for me to be discharged.

We went back to Louis's house and watched Pirates of the Caribbean together. This was it. Louis was my happiness.

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