Niall Claustrophobia & Sleeping Pills ✨

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Moved from 1D | I'll Always Be Here

Niall's POV
"I'm not getting in that box," I told James as I stared at the small box that was on the stage. I wasn't a contortionist, and my claustrophobia only got worse when I knew there were people watching me. At the BRIT awards, the lift had got stuck and I had seen someone secretly filming me. Thankfully, I'd kept my anxiety under control, but I'd had to have a cold shower to get rid of the adrenaline when I got back to my hotel room.
"Get in the box Niall. You have to beat your claustrophobia," James told me.
"I'm not getting in that box, no way," I told him sternly and he pulled out a taser. "James..." I said and he buzzed it. "Fuck. James," I said before he began walking towards me with it and I backed away.
"Get in the box Niall."
"No," I repeated and he buzzed it again. It was a real taser and although I was confident that he wasn't going to taser me live on television, it was live electricity and after being electrocuted on stage, I didn't fancy a trip to the hospital by accident.
"Get in the box Niall."
"No. James seriously, get that thing away from me."
"It's the box or the taser Niall. Come on," James said and I looked at the audience.
"Help," I pleaded with them.
"Box!" They shouted.
"Niall," James said behind me and I turned to see his hand with the taser coming over my shoulder.
"Woah, no," I said as I moved away from him. "I'll take the box James, the box."
"The box. Are you sure?" James said as he buzzed the taser and it made me flinch.
"No, but it's better than that."
"Agreed," James said and he went to put it away but he accidently caught his finger with it. "Argh! Argh! Fuck!"
"James, are you ok?" I asked as I went over to him.
"Yeah, that thing fucking hurts."
"I know it does," I said as I looked at James's fingers and it was fine. I kissed it for good measure and the audience aww'd as James looked up at me.
"When were you tasered Niall?"
"I wasn't, but I was electrocuted. That was a few years ago now."
"Ok, I forgot about that. I'm sorry Niall."
"It's ok," I said as I stared at James's adorable puppy dog eyes. "It's ok, I'll do the box thing."
"Great. Do you want a safe word?"
"A safe word?" I asked in shock. Were we both getting the box or what was going on?
"To get out of the box."
"Oh that kind of safe word. I thought you meant something else," I said and the audience laughed. James then looked at me and he put a finger up in-front of the audience.
"I'll have none of that, this is a family show. Shhh. Shhh. Shush," James said and everyone quietened down.
"Yeah, the safe word. Bananas."
"Ok, bananas it is. Que the lights," James said and the lights turned red.
"Oh, you're not doing this to me James."
"I am. Get in the box."
"Ok, ok," I said before he could bring out the taser again and I began squeezing into the box. "Fucking hell James, how small do you think I am?"
"Small enough," James replied and I finished fitting myself in. I wasn't quite in a ball, but I was close enough. "Right, you're staying in there for ten minutes."
"Ten minutes?!" I asked in shock, and I was just about to jump out when James shut the lid and closed the latch. "James! James. I can't last for ten minutes in here."
"Sure you can. Right, on with the show," James said as he began walking away.
"No. James! James!" I called but he just carried onto the next bit of the show. I moved to get a little more comfortable, but I was already starting to get cramp in my legs. It was really pitch black in here and I couldn't decide if that made it better or worse. I couldn't see how close the sides were but if I blinked my eyelashes moved against them. "James," I called again before I closed my eyes and tried to breathe.

Breathing was harder than I thought as there was no fooling my lungs that I was in a tight space. Very soon, my breathing became strained and I could feel the anxiety raising within my chest. I was in a tight, enclosed space and I couldn't move. Then suddenly, James knocked on the box and I hit my head on the top as he startled me.
"Niall, are you ok in there?"
"No, I hit my head. You scared me."
"Are you starting to dose off? Do you want longer than ten minutes?"
"No. It's more that I'm losing consciousness before I have a heart attack."
"You're not going to have a heart attack Niall, just focus on breathing."
"I'm trying to but I think I'm running out of air in here."
"There's a hole in the top for you to get air from," James said as I moved my head to see a hole. I put my eye across it and locked gazes with James.
"Get me out of here James, it must have been nearly ten minutes."
"It's been three minutes and 45 seconds."
"What?!" I exclaimed and James laughed.
"You're doing great Niall, just face your fear."
"I'll get you to face your fear after this."
"Ah, my fear's falling off a cliff so I think it would be too dangerous for me to face that."
"No it wouldn't, I'll throw you off while attached to a bungee cord."
"Na, I'm over the weight limit for that mate, nice try."
"Of course you are, can I get out now?"
"No. You're still at three minutes and 45 seconds."
"What?! But we've been talking."
"This doesn't count."
"James, seriously," I said as my anxiety grew and I could feel a panic attack coming on. "James, I can't breathe."
"You can breathe, you're doing it right now."
"Get me out of this box James."
"No. Next sketch," James said before he began walking away.
"No! James! Bananas! Fucking bananas!" I shouted and he came back over.
"You can't use the safe word until 5 minutes are up," James told me.
"What?! We never agreed that. James! James!" I shouted as he left again. I moved my position and I heard something fall out of my pocket. I moved my hand and picked it up. Using the hole, I looked at what the package said: sleeping pills. Perfect. I got two out of the packet and swallowed them.

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