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When Lisa heard her familiar voice, a hint of emotion flashed past his cold gaze. "My wife!"

Jennie unfastened her seat belt and turned around to crawl into his seat. She jumped into his arms. "Hubby!"

Lisa embraced her tightly. He finally then realised how much he missed her after being away from her for days. "Why did you come here?"

"I missed you." She sat down by his side and leaned into his embrace.

In fact, what he wanted to ask was that it wasn't possible for her to leave the Hei Xiao Headquarters. How did she end up here?

However, the stunning woman in his arms was undoubtedly Jennie, his wife.

His cold gaze shifted towards the pilot. Perhaps his wife has secrets which she did not wish for outsiders to know. Hence he did not ask about it any further.

They looked out of the windows. The helicopter was soaring across the azure blue sky. The weather was good and the sunshine blended across the clouds to make for a stunning sight. The scenery was especially breathtaking.

All of a sudden, the pilot took the opportunity while the two of them were taking in the view to retrieve a handgun. He then aimed it directly at Lisa's chest and fired.

Lisa responded quickly. He brought Jennie with him and leaned to the side at a lightning speed. Although the bullet avoided his heart, he still suffered a gunshot to his chest.

The pilot immediately tried to fire a second shot. But Jennie's gaze turned cold. She activated her special powers and caused his grip against the gun to go slack. The bullet missed them and pierced through the helicopter's window.

At the same time, Lisa brought his gun out and fired a fatal shot to his head.

Jennie saw that Lisa was bleeding heavily from his chest. She hurriedly reached for the first aid kit from the back to tend to his wound.

As the pilot was dead, the helicopter quickly began to drift from its intended trajectory. It also grew unstable.

"Lisa, do you know how to fly a helicopter?" Jennie was pale as she questioned him.

"I've never piloted a helicopter, but I've attended a few lectures. I understand how it works." Lisa endured the pain from his wound as he leaned forward to the pilot's seat to place the helicopter into an auto-pilot mode.

All of a sudden, they heard beeping noises from the pilot's seat. A countdown was displayed on the screen... 10, 9, 8, 7, 6...

His expression changed. "There's a bomb on the helicopter, it's going to explode! There are life jackets under the seats! We need to jump into the ocean!"

He immediately opened the safety door at the back of the helicopter.

The moment the door was opened, the wind rushed into the cabin and the entire helicopter became unstable.

Jennie looped the straps of the first aid kit against herself. She then reached for the life jacket under the seat and grabbed Lisa's hand to fall out of the helicopter.

The two of them fell rapidly towards the ocean. The helicopter swayed forward and exploded with a loud boom two seconds later!

Although they had cut it too close, due to the speed at which they were falling and the distance to which the helicopter had shifted in that much time, they managed to stay a good distance away from the helicopter.

The two of them keenly felt the scalding heat from the explosion. The jarring sensation left them dizzy, but it did not injure them.

If they were even two seconds later, they would have died in that helicopter!

As they fell towards the ocean, Jennie held tightly onto the life jacket with one hand. She gripped Lisa's palm tightly with her other hand.

The boundless ocean was beneath them. Without a life jacket, no matter how good they were at swimming, they were bound to die.

Moreover, Lisa had suffered a serious injury. If they landed separately, given how broad the ocean was, it was likely they would never be able to find each other again.

Thus, she absolutely refused to separate from Lisa.

They were falling into the ocean from mid-air. Although the water was beneath them, when they landed, the impact was bound to be sufficient to kill them.

Pampered Wife's Counterattack | Book 4Where stories live. Discover now