728.You Are Already Mine

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"Brother." Somi warned him with a vicious expression. "You had better not stand in my way. Otherwise, I won't take our relationship into account."

"What are you talking about?" Kai was unmoved. "Jennie, that whore, refuses to lend even eight million dollars to me. And the Manoban family has only ever treated me like an outsider. If Lisa dies, everything will belong to me! Of course, if Lisa is willing to marry you and hand over a portion of the Manoban family's wealth to me, in that case, I could consider letting him off."

"If Lisa refuses to marry me," Somi narrowed her eyes darkly. "I'll help you to eliminate him!" If she couldn't have him, Jennie was not allowed to get him either!

"My good sister, I'm waiting to see how you'll take the position of 'Madam Manoban' from Jennie."

Somi suddenly smiled gently. "The main bedroom has fallen silent. Perhaps, Jennie has already been murdered by Lisa in his rage."


Twenty minutes later, Bodyguard Bambam arrived at the Manoban family's old mansion.

As Lisa and Jennie made their way down the stairs, Bambam stood in the living room to greet them respectfully. "Boss, you were looking for me?"

"Wait by the side." Lisa began coldly and heavily.

"Yes, Sir." Bambam stood aside respectfully.

Several minutes later, Butler Mingde led Sehun into the living room.

Lisa waved his hand and Mingde backed away in understanding.

At the same time, he instructed the bodyguards to ensure that busybodies could not approach the living room.

Sehun's gaze was slightly heavy as it shifted between Lisa and Jennie who were seated on the couch. The two of them appeared as per normal and did not seem the slightest bit affected by this. Weren't they supposed to have a falling out over this?

Jennie stood up and rushed to welcome him. "Brother..."

"Third Sister, you've suffered. Brother will bring you home now!" Sehun watched her unblinkingly.

He took in the stunning beauty of the girl he had loved ever since he was a child and found that he could not let go of his feelings for her, no matter what!

Lisa narrowed his eyes and watched Sehun sharply, as though he desired to cut him into a thousand pieces.

If eyes could kill, Sehun believed he would already have died countless times by now.

Lisa spoke slowly and sharply. "Do you think you can come and go from the Manoban home as you please?"

What he meant was that there was no need to consider bringing Jennie away. Perhaps Sehun himself would not be able to leave this place safely today!

"As long as Jennie is willing to leave with me, it's fine even if we have to die together." Sehun harrumphed coldly. "I'm not afraid of your Manoban family in the slightest!"

Jennie was angry. She put on a stern face. "Brother, what are you talking about? I'm not willing to leave with you! And you..." She glared at Lisa. "You promised me earlier in the room that you wouldn't disrespect your brother-in-law!"

"He isn't worthy." Lisa spat the three words out coldly.

Sehun wasn't interested in being his brother-in-law. "Third Sister, do you intend on remaining here to be looked down on by Lisa?"

Jennie's expression was heavy. "He doesn't look down on me. We're doing very well."

"Doesn't he mind that you..." Sehun was extremely agitated. She raised her brows and waited for him to continue. "Brother, why did you stop talking?"

By this point, Sehun had no more reasons to hold himself back. "You're already mine. Doesn't Lisa mind?"

The moment he spoke, the entire living room fell into a strange silence. If a needle fell at this moment, it would certainly echo through the room.

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