Chapter 16 - Separate Ways

Start from the beginning

Oh, Y/N was crashing a party, I don't know if you knew that. And... he didn't take me with him, even though that'd be a good date idea. I think he's just trying to separate me with my work, but Scratch might be half right. 

He might not be who I think he is... when he's working. I've seen it too many times to count, boys acting worse or nicer around me. If it was like that though, why would he let me live with him? 

Ben: Well, Sera, I think we're gonna get out of here, you gonna be okay? 

Scratch: He could give us a ride... 

Ben: As far as I'm concerned, I'm only... ahh... I-I shouldn't finish that. 

Sera: Oh, you guys have fun, I'll... just hang out. 

After they leave, I go right to the bar, sitting alone... and... well... I feel... oddly sad, ugh... Y/N. It's been a while since I've felt sad but... welp. God, I feel like I'm a lonely freshman all over again.

Hello darkness, what's up my old friend? 


Orianna and I are on the dance floor now, slow dancing as Jayce and Ezreal were talking stocks. Businessmen and stock prices, when it comes to those and shares in the company, oh and more companies, you can talk for hours. 

Back to the dancing at hand, I feel Ori place her arm around my back and gently stroke it yet again, but it just feels so awkward. I look down into her eyes and she looks up in mine. I can even hear some of the synthetics in her face whirr as it turns into a smirk. 

Ori: You seem... uncomfortable, am I making you uncomfortable? 

Y/N: Well, it's not like you dance with cyborg that you were stuck sharing a bed within a cave for a week or so... who... seems to not have anything to say about what happened. 

Ori: I guess this should be expected, you're not just scarred here on the chest, you're scarred in the head... Y/N, I'm sorry I don't wish to talk about it, but I... really... don't care too much about what happened there. Yes, while it was sad one of my coworkers and clients was captured, dealing with a life-threatening illness, to the point I had to augment myself, just made me see only the benefits in situations like that. 

Y/N: What's so beneficial about being captured by terrorists? 

Ori: You wanna get some air? 

Y/N: Yeah, sure... 

Ori takes me by the hand and both of us head outside, leaning on the balcony, away from anyone else that could possibly listen in. Perfect spot for a heart-to-heart... oh... Seraphine...

Ori: You feeling alright? 

Y/N: Honestly, no. You heard about the Seraphine girl I was talking to? 

Ori: I met her, she's really nice. 

Y/N: We uhhh... well... we had a moment the other day and had a first kiss but... it felt strange... felt... wrong. 

Ori: Why? What was so weird about it? 

Y/N: Like, I like the woman sure, and we have good chemistry, we've cuddled before, but I felt bad after I kissed her. I felt guilty for some reason, like I did something wrong or that I didn't deserve her. 

Ori: Is that what you think? That you don't deserve her? You'd think after this long you guys would know each other well, you didn't take advantage of her by the sounds of it. I mean, you got a nice paycheck, a nice apartment that you're even thinking about upgrading even further, you've been on the look for a car, and you told me earlier you got three you're interested in. 

That One Barista (K/DA Seraphine x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now