Chapter 25 - Meeting the Parent

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Sera: I love you Y/N... give it to me... 

I wrap my arm around her back and she digs her claws into mine, gyrating with the motion that I'm giving her. My ear starts to ring as she's yelping into it, hitting those high notes, only this time with a different purpose- 




UGH!!! NOT AGAIN!!! I slap the shit out of my alarm clock until I'm fully awake and it shuts off. Seraphine just groans and grunts under her mountain of hair, rolling over to give me a hug. I don't know why I had a dream like that... 

Wait, I do, cursed imagination. We aren't that close to having sex yet, or at least I don't think, no matter how much I want it to happen. One thing I won't do is force it. I am not forcing fucking anything, nor pressuring, it's all down to her at the end of the day. 

I should really stop thinking about that, because I have to see her dad today... 

Sera: Merry Christmas...

Y/N: Hey there... Merry Christmas... 

I give her a smooch on her forehead, and she chills on my chest for another five or so minutes. I pick her up out of bed with me, setting her on her feet where she stumbles to her room. Yeah, we sleep together, cuddle at night, but that's all there was to be had. 

I put on a polo shirt... AAAAAAH!!! Yes, a fucking polo shirt... oh man... it's for those people either going golfing or going to an event you really don't feel like dressing formal for. Yeah, it's "formal", some people think this is the idea of, "formal". I make it more acceptable when I throw on one of my blazers. 

Heading out of my room, Sera gets ready faster than I do, all the fucking time. Looking across the room and she's in a beautiful red dress, which really looks nice with the pink. I come over and give her a smooch. 

Y/N: We got time for breakfast? 

Sera: Maybe a quick coffee... you know dad... 

Y/N: Lot better than mine, I'm sure.

Sera: Oh, and yeah, I'm... sorry... I forgot.

Y/N: Yeah, no parents and all that, it's alright. They would've loved to see where I ended up in such a short time. 

While we were talking, I heated us up some coffee, day old and still good, doing hers up first. I then add the creme and sugar to mine, yeah fuck you, who drinks black coffee, it tastes like ass if it's not a good brew. 

We both yawn to the elevator, where we hear a call from across the hall in the morning. 

Eve: You and your elevators! Hold it please! 

Sera: Oh, yes! Hold it! 

I quickly press the close button as fast as I can but then Sera slaps my hand away, pressing the open button and giving me a mean scold. 

Eve: Thank you so much, darling... 

Y/N: S-sure! Anytime! 

Sera just looks at Eve like a kid staring at someone from across the grocery store, showing her the whites in her eyes. I look over at Eve and give her a smirk, then nod my head. 

Y/N: Merry Christmas. 

Eve: Yes, Merry Christmas. Got any big plans today, darling? 

Y/N: Well, uhh... yeah, we're gonna be visiting some of her family here. 

That One Barista (K/DA Seraphine x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now