Chapter 26 - Pandemic of 2020

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Babe predicted it... It was hell...

So, here I am in the coffee shop, featuring my first conversation of 2020 with Scratch. SEX TIME... FEATURING SCRATCH... GUITAR RIFF-DOODODOODODODoo... yeah... 

What else am I supposed to do with no customers and Ben being super sick? Scratch just came to visit because Scratch doesn't want to expose herself to whatever he's got for too long. I hope it's not the COVID thing, there were rumors about it for a while... 

Sera: I don't know Scratch, I think he's been waiting a while... you know how we are, we're young adults, you'd think he'd give it if I asked? 

Scratch: Girl, the fact you two have been able to hold up this relationship for so long WITHOUT sex, just baffles me. Isn't like that the reason you would date each other? "Oh, look at me, I banged a popstar! Look at me, I banged a company executive, now where's my settlement!" You guys are both lucky, I'm just a mechanic dating a coffee boy... 

Sera: Arguably just as happy and lively as the life we live. Seriously, I bet there's so much shit you guys do every day that we never even think of. Just because I'm a popstar, doesn't mean I should be held on a pedestal. 

Scratch: That Millie girl was at the coffee shop before you got here, asking about you, I told her she wasn't in today and that she should beat it. 

Sera: YOU DID NOT!!!

Scratch: I did.


Scratch: SHE'S LOOKS LIKE A BABY SERAPHINE, IT'S SO WEIRD!!! Like, it's exactly like how you looked in middle school, it's creepy! Her and her friends were talking about whether that star below your eye was a birthmark or if it's a patch. 

It's a bit of both... I like to put make-up on it and make it pop, Y/N jokingly kisses it sometimes, he's so silly goofy...

Scratch: But anyway, back to the sex topic... he'll definitely say yes. He's a guy, and he's a busy one at that... he'll appreciate it. Just... don't be afraid to take control, you're the alpha. 

Sera: Is there... anything I should worry about? 

Scratch: You're not a virgin, it's nothing you haven't seen before...

Blah-blah-blah, sex talk, sex talk, where is Y/N, anyway? I thought he'd be back here to pick me up sometime soon... it's almost closing...


For the record, fuck you COVID. I'm not blaming anybody for it, but you changed a lot of lives, some for better and some for worse, all around the world. Runeterra has some of the universe's biggest bullshit. 

Jayce: Well, this is fucked.

Jayce comes back with a stack of papers in his hands, slamming them on his desk and then falling into is chair. He rubs his head in pure stress and then puts his head down. 

Y/N: What's going on? What is this?

I take one of the papers, and it's about R&D division complaints. These complaints were usually about minor things like you know, new toilets, better glove disposal places, better storage for certain materials. This one is... different. 

Jayce: My fucking February couldn't get any worse... *groan* 

Y/N: Ahhh... here we are... well shit. 

That One Barista (K/DA Seraphine x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now