Chapter 22 - An Absolute Charity Case

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Think of this being like... a new act? Anyway, we're out of the summer now... technically, I mean September, if it counts... and I think the mental fog is starting to get gone. Life is starting to change for me. It's not as busy but it sure is different without Kayn around. We aren't friends anymore, and he's behind bars for trying to kill me. 

A guy like that, jailtime and a restraining order is going to teach him right. He's one of those stubborn fuckers that learns to do shit the hard way. I am partially relieved that he's gone, but him gone is definitely something I just... still have trouble wrapping my head around. 

On the bright side, we got two replacements. Yasuo and Ekko are doing their True Damage thing right now, but at least they got time for drinks on the weekends. They are both riots, like siblings to me, Ezzy, and Yone. Yone misses Kayn, but understands it was this or to just let him walk all over me more. 

Seraphine has been busy, seems every weekend she's gotta go sing somewhere because she snagged a gig in Zaun or Piltover. She's making more mixes, uploading them on the couch bed that she's reserved in my apartment. She's learned about a thing called trust now, especially thanks to Kayn. I'd say that's good for the career she wants to get into. 

So, how am I doing? Heh... good question. Work's been great, I'm finally back in my nice office but I'd say two weeks prior I was getting fed liquids by spoonful. 

So, what all did Kayn do to me? Well, he knocked out three of my teeth, dislocated my jaw, broke my nose, ouch. Oh, but wait, there's more! Broke two ribs, actually broke open the stiches, from the shrapnel wounds on my chest. My stomach was a champ though, but I had bruises all over my stomach and the surrounding ligaments for a hot minute. 

Hey, I can walk straight at least, and I can lift things normally. Physical therapy got those limbs in tip-top shape again. My stomach and my chest are mostly healed up, with a couple scars, but more specifically my head. 

I don't know if you've ever had a "grade 3" concussion, but I wouldn't recommend it. I feel... just a bit different after that, but I mean I think it's just that life is fucking changing so fast. 

Seraphine, girl, once again I'm sorry for just holding you back and putting you through all this shit. This mentality is going to get me shot again... 

I close up my laptop after finalizing some of the applications for new employees, then pack up, grab my keys and leave. 

Lux: Have a good night, Y/N!

Y/N: Yeah... you too! 

That concussion fucked me up, but that mental fog I had for a while is gone. I actually feel mostly normal, but once again, life is just changing up so fast. After I got my ass whooped, I also became mildly famous. I actually get recognized in public sometimes, and my Lexus gets stared at wherever it's parked, since LC500s are so rare.

My mission for the past week once I left the hospital bed... again... was apartment hunting. I've been looking for a place that's two-bedroom, three-bathroom. Multiple levels, like I want the beds on the second floor and a lounge, kitchen, maybe more on the first. Fancy, higher end, private pool for residents. Seraphine has been my amazing little tag along but... 

I think... I'm finally ready for something more... 

I take my time driving home, pulling into the parking spot and then heading right up the apartment door. Opening the door, there she is, the water lily, sitting there with her pink hair all over the place. 

Y/N: Hey!

Sera: Hey! You're home! 

Y/N: Yep! How was work?

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