Chapter 1 - Sales Day

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"Piltover University, studied in business analytics, graduated two years ago, oh... oh wait, you got some law school in here too? Why keep this tucked away?" 

"My GPA wasn't very good..." 

"Hmmm... well, here at Brighthammer, we care if you can get the job done. We think you're a little overqualified to be working in sales, why exactly did you apply for this position?"

"I applied all over, this was just the area that bit first." 

"I see... So, softball club?" 


"You play golf?"

"Business always gets done on the course." 

"Smart kid..." 

Multiple sounds of page-shuffling can be heard. 

"Listen, you're bright, but I don't know if this place is a good fit for you."

"Please, come on! I've been going all over the place. Give me a moment... to prove myself... I can sell stuff; I can't wait anymore..." 

Chair creaking, followed by nervous foot-tapping can be heard, followed by a strong, ego-filled sigh. 

"Fine, you wanna be the main character? Go ahead..." 

Something small and plastic is slammed onto the desk. 

"Sell me this pen."

"Well, what do you typically use a pen for?" 

"Basic writing, signing papers more often than not, less analytical or extensive writing." 

"You got a pen preference?"

"Comfortable, gel, and something with a ball-point that can just glide." 

"Have you had any issues with pens in the past?" 

"Yeah, you know those nasty ones they give you at a doctor's office, or maybe a cheap plastic one that some company would give you at a trade show, those are the ones I hate." 

"Well, the pen I bring to the table is nothing like that, however I want to ask some more questions." 

"Go ahead!" 

"Let's get into the nitty-gritty details. What's your budget for a new pen? How many units do you think you'll need?" 

"Alright, I think I heard enough. You've convinced the CEO that you can sell shit..." 

"Heh... Okay..." 

Chair shuffling can be heard, followed by a hardy clap of two hands coming together. 

"Welcome to Brighthammer."





Y/N: Ugh... SHUT UP!!! I'm up! I'm up! Shut the fuck-


I beat the living cock out of my alarm clock, putting it back down on the nightstand. Waking up, I peel myself off the pillow, licking some of the drool off the side of my face. 

That One Barista (K/DA Seraphine x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora