Chapter 86: Kim Jinwoo

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I opened my eyes, and Taehyung came to mind at first.

I turned my head to my side to find him.

My heart warmed, and it was soft to see him still sleeping beside me.

I thought he's going somewhere else, leaving the house early because he was sulking with me last night.

I let out a small, slow laugh. This guy was never predictable.

I turned my body towards him and then scooted myself closer to him.

I was mesmerized by his facial features. I really love this guy.

If I told anyone my life story, I bet people would think I was crazy to love him.

I took a breath and exhaled it all out at once. Yeah, I was crazy, too. Maybe that brought us together.

I supported myself up a little bit with my elbow, so that I could take a better look at him from a different angle.

He always looked so pure and innocent when he was sleeping.

I buried my fingers in his fluffy hair, and I ran my hand through it.

After that, I played with his face, pressing his cheeks and lips with the tip of my forefinger.

His skin was as soft as a baby's.

I loved it, and I wanted to do it more.

I gently pressed his cheek again, making it appear dimpled.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes so quickly that I was startled.

I jumped out, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me to him.

I screamed and then giggled.

He carefully brought me to his side as I carried our baby in my tummy.

I looked at him; he was giggling too.

He turned his body toward me, bringing his face closer to mine.

"Babe," he called me. His voice was so damn husky in the morning.


"You're beautiful," said him.

"You tell me that almost every day."

"Because every day you're beautiful."

I giggled. He's so good at words.

Her giggle tickled Taehyung's heart. And she reminded him so much of Jihoon. She giggled, and just like Jihoon, she also giggled at compliments.

My giggle slowly died, and I looked at Taehyung. Maybe, only in his eyes, I did.

Until this day, I couldn't find the reason why he wanted me among the thousands of beautiful celebrities he met.

I remembered how insecure I was when I attended an award show with the BigHit staff.

We were quarreling at that time. And I found that he was talking to an idol. I was so insecure.

"What if one day I'm not beautiful anymore? Will you still love me?" asked me.

"That day will never come. Because you will always be beautiful," he said.

"I'll get old."

"So do I. And trust me, those wrinkles won't take your beauty away. You'll always be beautiful," he said, and it touched my heart.

I looked into his eyes. They were sincere, and I could cry from the heartfelt.

He noticed it and put his hand around my neck. He brought me to his chest.

Obsession [Taehyung FF]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz