Too Young

521 50 13

"Finn? Finn? Finn! Where are you? I need you to try this!" A young Bubblegum called out from inside the castle.

It was bustling with many candy citizens who ran around doing, well, whatever they pleased to do. As both the Princess and Prince were now children, they didn't take as much responsibility as they could. Because they were children.

Finn was sneaking out towards the entrance. "I'll be there in a sec!" He called out.

He then snuck outside to sit on one of the stairs. He then looked through his bag and pulled out a phone. He dialed a number before he heard the ringing.

The ringing stopped as the phone made a clicking sound. "What's the status?" Jake answered the phone. He sounded busy, but Finn paid no mind.

"Good, man!" Finn grinned widely.

Jake nodded to himself as he was playing a video game on BMO. "Nice! Seal the deal, bro!" He called out before grunting at the game he was playing.

Finn started to nervously laugh. "Okay, man! Whatevs!" His face started to flush.

"You can do it, you hear me?!" Jake's voice was stern. "I'm playin' BMO—call me later, watch over Y/n! Bye!" He ended the call after spilling his words out.

The phone clicked as the call was disconnected. Finn put the phone away before sighing. "Okay, Finn. She's 13; you're 13. Just have fun! Be yourself." He closed his eyes as he tried to let the idea settle in his mind.

We then stood up before raising both hands in the air. He rushed back inside the castle while letting out a robot-like 'woo'.

He continued the sound before he found Bubblegum messing with a set of chemicals. She wore safety glasses and a white coat that was too big for her.

Finn plopped down right beside her set. "What's that? Are you trying to make yourself 18 again?" He asked, his voice changing as he grew somewhat nervous.

"Nah. This is an instant bath serum. It makes you sweat cleaning agents." Bubblegum shook her head before holding up the vial filled with a red liquid.

"I don't bathe. I want that!" Finn made grabbing hand motions before taking the potion. He down half of it before he paused. His entire face turned red before letting out a shriek.

"WAAAUGH! Hot, hot, oh—WAAAAUGH! Oh... so spice! So spice!" Tears fell from his face as he waved cool air into his burning mouth.

Bubblegum kneeled over him before nudging him playfully. "YOU'RE so spice!" She giggled.

As the two continued to giggle, Manfried imitated a loud horn from above. "Bwaaa bwaaa bwaaaaaa! Announcing the arrival of the Earl of Lemongrab!" They announced while swinging.

Most of the candy citizens stopped what they were doing as they stared up at the taller candy man. He was pure yellow with a lemon candy for a head. He held the reigns that attached to his lemon horse.

He hummed while looking around the disheveled room. He frowned at the sight before looking up. Above him was Cinnamon Bun who was attempting to do a trapeze. He laughed loudly before he lost his grip and fell to the ground. He grunted in pain before giggling to himself.

Lemongrab let out a sound of distaste as the man scooped up the remains of his stomach frosting.

"This castle is... in... UNACCEPTABLE CONDITIIIIOOOON! UNACCEPTABLLLEEE!" Lemongrab shrieked loudly.

The candy people started to mumbled amongst each other at the screaming man. He slowly pointed around the room at each person that was around. "Thirty days in the dungeon!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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