My Three Favorite People

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Outside of the treehouse, Finn and Jake were fighting Science Cat and Shark.

"Pussy cat! Come here!" Jake yelled at them. Science Cat threw a potion at him that turned Jake into a butterfly. "Hey!" he yelped. Flying around. Science Cat started to chase him around while Jake yelped.

"Help!" Finn noticed that Jake was in trouble.

"Don't worry! His spells never last long."

Jake swerved away from his attacks. "Who are these guys? This is a great fight!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah! You never fought them? They come out every day at four o'clock on the dot." Finn deflected another attack, trying to help Jake. After flying for a bit, Jake finally turned back to normal.

"I guess that's because I meet Lady Rainicorn every day at four o'clock on the dot." he paused, his eyes widening in shock "Oh shoot! I'm late!" he yelled out. Finn continued to fend off the two enemies.

"You should stay, man. At five o'clock every day, I chop both their heads off, and they grow them back for the next day."

Jake paused while getting on his bike. "Aw, man, that sounds awesome! I do want to stay and fight those guys, but I also want to hang out with my girlfriend," he says, clicking the helmet straps on.

"Boo!" Finn mocked him, defending himself from Shark.

"I should probably go. I'll see ya later, buddy." Jake sighed, riding off in the direction of his girlfriends' house. From the distance, he could hear what seemed to be an amazing battle. "Oh!" he groaned in sadness and annoyance.

By the time Jake made it, Lady Rainicorn was sitting on her roof alone.

"Sorry! Sorry, I'm late. Finn and I were fighting this shark and science cat, and I lost track of time." he claimed up onto the roof by Lady Rainicorn. "Anyway, I'm here now, M'lady, and I have brought to you half an orange, courtesy of Miss Y/n's farming," he spoke, holding out of a piece of orange to her.

They both eat their pieces. "Ooh! 고마워!" (Thanks!) she exclaimed. A beam from her horn glowed and a ray went and hit a tree, turning it blue.

"Nice! Now make that green!" Jake pointed down to the river. She turned to face the river, making the water a dark green.

Jake giggled, having fun with Rainicorn. "Hahaha! Yeah, that's good." he sighed happily.

Rainicorn suddenly yawned loudly "자러 가야겠다." (I may have to go to sleep.) she told him. Jake only whined in shock.

"Sleep! But we were supposed to play viola together!" he said, holding up his instrument.

"미안해." (I'm sorry.) she told Jake, before kissing him on the head. "니가 늦게 왔잖아. (It's because you came late.)

"Yeah. Sorry again for coming so late." Jake sighed in disappointment.

"잘 자." (Good night.) she said, before flying inside her home.

"Good night," Jake responded, now looking down.

Jake was riding on his bike with his viola in the basket. Shelby, a worm that usually lives in Jake's viola, popped out. "Hi, Jake," he said, trying not to scare him.

"Oh, hey Shelby," Jake replied, sounding down.

"Why you looking so down in the dumps?" he asked. Jake only sighed in response. "No response, huh? Guess you're good." Shelby was ready to head back down, only to have Jake start his rant.

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