Adventure #1

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So for the last chapters for this season we've decided. . and when I mean we I mean I (Tip/the other one) pushed Rain to write away from the plot and to create fillers for you guys. We gave each other a prompt and weren't going to read each other's until they were published. Might be able to tell how we write our MC and who gives what characteristics and so on and so forth.

Anyway ​​​​​​Rains prompt for me: MC deals with a monster for the first time, and it's a weak one who doesn't cause harm. Annoying like Donny, but is weak and a whiny brat. She just acts like a sister the whole time telling him to do better.

Not a spoiler because I kind of went a little opposite but I hope you enjoy! And this probably isn't what you thought but. . RIP

"Off! Off of me I say!"

"No no, stay away-- STAY AWAY."

"Awe come on I. . Ugh. . I just washed my hair-okay more dirt is fine."

Y/n groaned as she trudged into an unknown part of woods. After the series of incidents, Finn and Jake ordered her to "adventure away the sickness", whatever that means, and go on a journey on her lonesome.

It would have been great if she trusted the weapon she would frequently use and if her morals weren't so blurred at that particular moment.

" goodness, I don't know how I survived so long in such--ack. . such thin and torn clothing."

The girl received the hisses of the golden snake the slithered on her arm. Of course after receiving a part of her old personality, she's very surprised she even let the animal near her. Y/n hesitantly began to pet her companion, "it's so hard battling between who I was pre and post-war. I was. . I am the daughter of two of the greatest minds in STEM and Culinary word!"

A squish can be heard from below, a grimace inching across her face, "how could I ever deal with such. . Just ew."

"Because you're a stuck up piece of wood with no social skills, I tell you that!" Y/n was quick to look up and around to find the holder of the voice that sounded, well sounded just like hers.

"Who said that?!"

"Well who else?!"

Y/n looked at Campi with confusion on her face, the animal giving her the same look before the both of them turned to face a stream ahead. The young girl continued with caution, but was met with the spraying of water drenching her face and body.

Y/n spat out water and tried her best to wipe her face, "who in the--"

Ahead was a body of water that took shape of Y/n herself. Same height, same build, but different look. The being in front of her represented the "warrior y/n" that everyone knew and love now. Wild looks, laid-back, and confident. While pre-OOO Y/n was --scared and alone of course-- more dignified and mature as you can say. The apocalypse can do that to a person.

The Water Y/n crossed it's arms and scoffed at the Flesh Y/n, "wth. .now look at you. You've gotten bland and boring. I thought we ditched the loafers and the overalls. That is soo 1000 years ago."

Pearls were clutched at the remark. No, literally, Y/n managed to find the clothes she was found in and her mother's pearls were there. As a matter of fact, most of her outfit was the business love guru look but more read your personality and yell at you then tell you what you should wear and what demands you should follow from your partner.

Anyway, "I have you know this is better than whatever you look like. With your messy head and, and your scars-- Nannie would think you look like a thug."

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