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This will be more of a filler/short chapter since most of it is Finn getting in trouble

"Alright, guys. Hammer all these safety signs around this dungeon hole. I've gotta jet off on my swan to take care of some royal junk." Princess Bubblegum started, tossing a pile of signs on the ground. They clanked together as they hit the grassy plain. A giant hole was in the ground, leading down to a deep cavern.

Y/n bent down and picked up some of the signs. They read 'warning', 'do not enter', and 'you will die'. "Seems easy enough," she said, trying to push one of them into the semi-solid ground.

"You got it, Princess." Finn nodded watching as Bubblegum climbed up onto her giant swan.

"Whatever you want, mama," Jake said, his voice wavering.

Bubblegum rolled her eyes playfully at his answer before she directed her arm up. "Bubblegum, away!!" she yelled out, making the swan fly up in the air quickly.

Finn grabbed a sign and placed it up, getting a sledgehammer ready to hit it down. Jake formed his hand into a hammer, hitting his sign with big swings. "Ow. Ow. Ow." he said with each hit, making sure it stayed in the ground. Y/n lifted her hammer and hit the sign down, slightly cracking it with her hit.

"Whoops..." Y/n gasped, seeing the forming cracks. She awkwardly dropped her hammer and pushed it away with her foot, whistling to distract what she did to the sign.

Finn whipped his head from non-existent sweat. "There. That's the last sign. Now no one will go down this hole, ever. Probably a lot of dangerous, awesome stuff down this hole." his eye wandered over to the deep hole. "I better go take a look." he quickly lept in, ready to go through the dungeon.

Jake quickly stretched his arm out, grabbing Finn in the process. "Don't, dude. For you see, that's the secret entrance to the Dungeon of the Crystal Eye!" he warned him. The attention of both humans was gained from his words. "Legend has it that the eye rests in the deepest chamber of this accursed dungeon." he stopped his tale before his arms stretched out to grab something. "Man, we shouldn't even be talkin' about it, 'cause it's lunchtime." he held up some picnic equipment.

"Ooh! Perfect!" Y/n squealed out while the picnic blanket was laid out. She sat down on the soft blanket and started to take out her sandwich.

Finn sat beside her, his elbows resting on his knees while he pouted slightly. "The crystal eye... I wanna meet this dungeon." Jake just grabbed two sandwiches from the basket.

"Maybe after lunch," he said, grabbing other things from the basket. Finn just shrugged while standing up, dusting off the dust from his shirt.

"Eh, I'll skip lunch. Just catch up with me when you are finished." he walked back from lunch.

Jake just rolled his eyes while he handed Y/n a juice box, which she took with a 'thank you'. "Yeah, right."

Finn paused, looking confused at Jake. "What?" he questioned.

"Without the aid of my magnificent powers..." he shaped his hand into a bottle opener before he popped the top off of his water. "...Huh? Huh? You'd get killed down there." he mocked him.

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