To Cut a Woman's Hair

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Y/n sat on a bench above Finn while holding onto a baby bird. The bird had a bandaged wing and it chirped loudly while she fed it some of her applesauce. Non-sugar kind.

"Blah-la-luh." Finn fed the birds a chewed-up apple before he realized he had run out. "Hey, Jake, give me some of that apple." He called out.

"Coming up." Jake stretched up an apple and handed it right to the boy. Finn took a bite and started to chew it. Jake smirked and chuckled. "I know what you're thinking about." He said teasingly.

Finn hummed with his mouth full, still chewing on the apple. "Huh?"

"Kissin' Princess Bubblegum on the mouth!" Jake finished with a huge grin.

Y/n snorted while covering her mouth. The baby bird chirped making her resume feeding the small creature. Finn started choking on the apple and he spat it out over the birds, which ate the apple pieces happily.

"No, I'm not! And... I wouldn't even do that ever." He shook his head while blushing profusely.

Y/n hummed before putting the bird back inside the little nest. She leaned back and swung her legs around the branch she was now hanging from. "Yeah, you would. You're just bad at talking to ladies." She giggled while he pushed her face away.

"Hmmph." He grumbled before feeding the rest of the birds. Y/n crinkled her nose at the sight. "Uh, should I keep going, Mrs. Yoder?" He asked the mother bird.

"No, Finn, that's plenty. Thank you." She thanked him, the bandages on her top beak making it hard for her to speak.

Finn shrugged before tossing the eaten apple away. "Okay. Let us know if you need anything else. Hyah!" He jumped down and landed on his feet. Y/n grabbed the branch and hung from it before she too dropped down and landed safely.

"You guys are heroes!" Mrs. Yoder called out to them as Y/n and Jake walked away. Finn smiled at the comment but was way behind his other friends.

"Come on, dude." Jake waved him over.

Finn's eyes widened and he quickly caught up with them. "Hey! Do you hear that? She called us heroes!" He exclaimed giddily.

"Yeah, I heard." Jake chuckled.

"Mrs. Yoder is so nice." Y/n smiled.

Suddenly, a bush started to rustle. The three froze and stared at the bush in horror, waiting for whatever would appear. A giant woman fell out of the bush and she brushed off leaves from her dress. "Hey! How's it going? Ugh!" She grunted while cleaning herself off. "Is that true, what the bird said? You guys are heroes?"

Her hands cupped together while she looked at them eagerly. Finn titled his head. "Why were you hiding in that shrub?"

The woman shrugged. "Oh, I wasn't hiding. I'm a Tree Witch. I can turn into trees and shrubs and bushes and stuff. Check it out." She held out her arms and they grew into mini trees. She then turned herself back to normal.

Jake's nose crinkled while he stuck out his tongue, he was getting bored by the interaction.

"So listen, I need you two heroes to get me a lock of princess hair." While speaking she started to scratch herself. Y/n repressed a groan from how disgusting the witch was.

"Why do you need princess hair?" Y/n asked cautiously.

The witch scoffed. "Why? 'Cause I have a balding problem! What, are you, blind?" She started to pat the top of her bald head, her voice getting louder while she yelled at the three. "Are You blind!?"

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